Got tddy bear frm Isha tdy!
Waa! Too shock actually.. I dun expect anything.. Huhuhu.. ‘Bersedia ntuk tidak bersedia’.. Lupa nk praktikkan sbb mggu PSL da hbs.. Jd PPSL mmg best la! Huhuhu.. One of my happiest n greatest memory is
PPSL.. Get new friend, new experience n new love..
Its sweet n good.. Thou we hav our uPs n down but still i treasured all of the memory.. Too priceless to delete them.. Oh, i somehow facilators choose me as penghulunita.. Hebat x? Hahaha! I x sangke i've been selected.. Trekezut tau.. Bt its too good too be true.. Seriously!
I'm lovin it...
Got tddy bear frm Isha tdy!
Waa! Too shock actually.. I dun expect anything.. Huhuhu.. ‘Bersedia ntuk tidak bersedia’.. Lupa nk praktikkan sbb mggu PSL da hbs.. Jd PPSL mmg best la! Huhuhu.. One of my happiest n greatest memory is
PPSL.. Get new friend, new experience n new love..
Its sweet n good.. Thou we hav our uPs n down but still i treasured all of the memory.. Too priceless to delete them.. Oh, i somehow facilators choose me as penghulunita.. Hebat x? Hahaha! I x sangke i've been selected.. Trekezut tau.. Bt its too good too be true.. Seriously!
I'm lovin it...