the hidden treasure lies everywhere~

everytime i encounter something,
my head will always ask the same question...
why me?
why this time?

but i forgot...

that ever-time it happen,
someone appear...
someone that helps me to encounter the problem...
help me to cross the road..
without getting hurt...

you are the light of my life...
you help me through ups and down..
you give me hope...
you give me light....
i keep on forgetting that i have you by my side...
i know how precious you are to me..
even when i forgot about you...
you always there....
standing close to me.....
watching over me...
so i won't hurt myself...
you give me your shoulder....
you give me your arm...
you give me your ear...
you give me your heart...
you give me your bless...

and i just keep on forgetting...
how i am sorry...
to let you feel that way...
i am sorry...
when you need me....
i always not there....
when you ask for me...
i have thousand of excuses..
i am sorry,
sorry for not be there,
when you actually want me there...

i know
promise is just a promise...
i don't want to make an empty promises....
so i rather pray...

i pray
Allah makes you happy,
when i can't....
Allah gives you someone better than me,
because you deserves one..
Allah to gives you better hope,
to provide you with light,
to guide you through ur journey....

but i also pray,
please oh please....
Ya Allah,
makes someone stay with me...
makes someone loves me forever...
makes me remember someone...
keep our heart together....
and let the boding stays eternally...

because this someone
is something i can't lose...


i lose my soul...
because they are apart of me...
they are me,
when i am them....
a bit of myself
are hidden inside them....
and every pieces of them,
i keep closely to my heart..

how i love them so much...
i fight the whole world for them...
i broke my promises for them...
i kill for them....
i die for them....
i do anything i can for them.....

everything for
my family~

where the loves stays and never goes away,
but if you didn't appreciate them now,
you suffer it one day,
when they finally gone...

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truth hurts like heLL!!

i know you know...
truth hurts..
but even when you experienced them thousand of times..
it still hurts like the 1st times..
thats why, here today now..
my heart still beating like mad~
how to start acting like you know nothing...
now you know everything...
i feel embarrassed!!
i feel used!!
i feel useless!!
suddenly i hate everything!!
watching is painful!!
hearing double the pain!!
understand triple it all...
and try to deal with the problem really does it all...
if only you can see me there...
i can get an award for best actor...
really brilliant!!
not even a loophole!
when i 1st hear the news..
i can't describe how my heart is acting...
its beating hard on the inside..
but outside,
i try so hard to stay cool and maintain my profile..
even my voice didn't change,
though my emotion have change slightly...
i was lying to others...
the hurt become more painful...
i try so hard to cover the emotion on my face..
even the words is changing...
i don't know if its convincing but its the best i can do..
i know i said this already...
but i think my heart still needs time....
i don't know when i will be 100% sure, cured and even satisfied with the action im taking..
but its the risk i have to take...
and live with the one i made...
i have to make a choice..
either this or that...
neither give hope...
nor luck...
its just and option...
by choosing,
i let myself control...
i need to control...
i need the control...
so i can be the boss..
to control my own feeling..
so it won't happen again...
too painful to keep...
too precious to let go...
the memories are one of the precious in my heart..
you are one of the nicest people i meet...
now i know...
that i have to let you go...
i hope you are happy now as i choose to let you go...
don't ask me if this is the right thing to do...
don't ask me if i know what i am doing...
don't ask me if i will regret this...
i never know if this is right...
i never know what am i doing...
i never know if i will regret..
i never will.....

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ups and down~

there's a couples of things that happen today...
1st the monster makes another attack on me...
making me cry...
1st i didn't cry when i call my mum...
but i finally let it out when i was calling my sister..
somehow the burden is free when i hear her voice..
like i can be weak now..
just let it out...
it hurts!
that monster!!
really, i wish *&%^&^# or should i not~~~

thats not the 1st time...
why do i have to live in this kind of shit!!
i don't know...
maybe because i am weak people took advantage of me...
i really am upset!!
many things upset me these day..
many things...
and don't get me starts!

mom said just ignore it..
dad said just chill and eat a lot!! spend a lot also can..
kakngah said, i find the solution..
really ar? or i just mishearing...

but this point..
i am thankful that i have my family by my side..
always stood there watching over me..
ready to grab if i fall...
i know i haven't be the perfect one for you..
but trust me when i say,
i sacrifice the world for all of you....
that's how much i love you guys~

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loves nurture the earth~~

people see IT coming...
people know IT coming...
people expect IT..
people welcome IT..
i know IT..
never expect IT to come..
not this fast, no...
but here it come...
and i fall right into IT..
without warning..
IT snapped right into my heart...
making me hard to breath...
hard to think..
hard to do anything...
and worse of all...
IT doesn't do anything to me..
IT really didn't...
IT just me and me...
and i know...
if i didn't do anything IT will go away...
i don't want IT to go away...
owh IT!!
please stay...
stay until i got the courage..
the timing...
the right moment to say it..
owh IT...
do you know...
what i fell??
no you must not..
its too embarrass to let IT see..
but do IT know how it hurt??
it hurt IT!!
it hurt so much!!
but i am thankful IT...
because of you i experienced it...
never know it before..

but if someone ask me...
"do you want to experienced it?"
i would say,
"no, i don't want..."
but IT...

can you see a liar when you see one??

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Selamat hari raya...
skg sy mengalami rasa lapar yang amat sangat...
cmne nak puase esok??
i fall asleep aroun 8 pm...
and wake up at 10...
somehow i dream about something and when i got up!
i felt that i havent eaten at all!!
its so strange because i ate my dinner at 7~
so here's the update...
my head almost crash because the memory is full...
and i am becoming slower every day because the ram is not enough to support the data...
and the data it self is useless since i need more data...
new media new media...
now waking up is like an assignment to me...
waking up itself is hard to do...
dun let me start...
i have sleep...
of course...
but i fell like the sleep is useless..
i dreams about it...
i think about it...
i talk about it...
wy does it resolves around me all the time?!!
all the way??!!
i hate this kind of lifestyles!!
i hate it!!
there's somthing else that makes me sad..
somehow because of the farmer the flower can't grow well enough...
and the flower is waiting and counting the days that it will die...
sad... the flower is such a beautiful flower..
there's this and there's that!!
today lots of things happen!!
and most of them makes me mad!!!
calm down...
calm down...
i starting to get crazy!!
a little too much for me to handle!!
oh GOD oh GOD!!!
please oh please!!
gives me strength!!!

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its happen again~

you know where all the things that happen before??
well it happen again...
and i mean this time its worst!
i just can't stand it anymore!!
why must it happen??
why can't i live a normal peaceful life??
human said the are the most intelligent things in the world...
but somehow i doubt it....
if so,
why do i have this feelings??
its because the human is not as smart as they seem...
they just a bunch of liars!!

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Wah! HappEeeeee

Got tddy bear frm Isha tdy!
Waa! Too shock actually.. I dun expect anything.. Huhuhu.. ‘Bersedia ntuk tidak bersedia’.. Lupa nk praktikkan sbb mggu PSL da hbs.. Jd PPSL mmg best la! Huhuhu.. One of my happiest n greatest memory is
PPSL.. Get new friend, new experience n new love..
Its sweet n good.. Thou we hav our uPs n down but still i treasured all of the memory.. Too priceless to delete them.. Oh, i somehow facilators choose me as penghulunita.. Hebat x? Hahaha! I x sangke i've been selected.. Trekezut tau.. Bt its too good too be true.. Seriously!
I'm lovin it...

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The DAY~

Well tday is da day! The day we penat penat g trainin d UK.. Ow.. Its nerve wrecking.. Bt still i'm excited! Cant wait for the new family to cme! And that mark the day of their terrible day.. Eh! I mean, the beautiful day!
I look nice.. Ok then, off with sleepy eyes to welcome the new CG! Hehehe

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2nd sem abes..

Hbs da 2nd sem..
Result 3.42.. Huhuhu..
Sdey cina b je.. Animasi a-.. Ingt dpt a.. Hehehe..
X smpai target pn..
Ok sem 3 usaha g!

Now sy nk g kem persediaan ppsl.. Huhuhu..
Tktnye nk g cmping..
Anyway, alang sempat smbt birthday kt umah.. Then esoknye dtg usm..
Aisyah yg ambekkan.. Baeknye..
Mak n abah x terkejut pn ble alang kate nk g cmping.. Alang terkejut sgt.. X sangke dtg2 trus g cmping.. Huhuhu..
Adik bradik smue anta.. Ble bas da jln cm nk nangis tgk dorg..
Alang x ready g nk pisah..
Neway evrythng ok.. Hope tday end with ease..

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Like da title..
Tudung i da berubah..
Not entirelyla..
I still pakai tudung biase..
Bt nw i rase selesa with shawl..
It easier to wear too!
It took courage to make this changes..
N i'm happy i made that choices..
There will b a lot of other thins that will change.. Bt dukeri dukeri..

Ari tu g UUM g jmpe joe.. Uum besar gler! Dkelilingi dgn hutan! Siap jmpe ngan "kaki pjg" g.. Huhuhu..
Mcm univesiti dlm hutan pn ye gak..
Tp lawa n best!
I teruje skjb.. Hehehe.. Wlaupn prjlnan sme jauh ngan g kl tp.. Huhuhu.. Worth it!

Semalam n hari ni g tgk wayang.. Smlm cte crazies.. English..
Elemen surprise dgunakan dgn baik..
Full with pembunuhan..
3 stars..
Sebab biase tgk jln cte cmne..
X byk beza ngan cte thriller len..

Rine tgk cte Kaiji..
Okla.. Membuatkan alang terpikir...
“theres no such thing as easy money!”
3 stars...
Cte buat alang penat..
Agak lambat n teruje 2 cm kurang..
Xde perasaan cm “ ah! Coolnye!” atau “aahla.. X perasan pn td.. Hebat gler!” jd kurang dr segi 2..
Pas2 ending alang x bpe suke.. Maybe sebab bkn happy ending... Erm.. Nt that happy alang rase..

Neway.. Ok.. Worth to see.. Bt it diff for evry1 rte..

Owh, alang dah ad 10 selendang! 1 2 pakai ntk cheers.. Wajib beli.. Maybe it start then..
Its nt so bad nce u dah biase..
Pas2 2 or 3 kngahnye.. De kirim.. So nant nk claim kat de siap charge rm5! Muawhahaha!

Typo x siap g..
Aduh! Bleh pening cmne nk wat grafiti ne..
Tp alang da cnteng2 td.. Got idea n nt so much of concept n subject..
It going fine bt nt WOW!

Ble nk blk ne?
X sbr nk blk.. Zoro n momo x dpt tgk da.. Da dberi org.. Huhuhu...
Alang x sbr nk jmpe mak, kngah, kin n ira! Miss u all! Of course abah, ablong, kak erma n maklong mo.. Alang blk nxt week.. Owh! Owh!
Lupe nk ckp..
Alang dpt jd ppsl!
Wow! (Mcm fasi
Terkejut gak wk2 dpt 2.. N kecewa sbb dplih.. Alang x dela berharap.. N pas interview about month after, i rase x nk..
X sangke.. Dpt!
Alang interbiu biase2 je pn.. Huhuhu.. Rezeki.. N pengalaman berharge gak 2.. Mybe x dpt peluang ne lg.. Kan?
So msk cni awl hmpr sebln dr bdk len..
Well, peluang jgn dlpaskn.. Btol x? U see da chance, u grab it!
Lapor diri 20hb June..
One day after my birthday.. Ad bengkel n junior mybe dlm awl 7 or akhi r 6 msk..
So alang Mybe nek 19hb.. Huhuhu..
So minna! Celebrate my birthday cecepat! Hikikhikhiki~

Mggu ne ok.. Nxt week goin to be hell! Yare yare..

Well, its a long post..
Hope x byk typo error..
Take cre~

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Theater mAnIac!

That day i went and c hang li po..
Yesterday i went to uda n dara the musical.. N i miss saturday happening in da bungalow..
Wargh! ! I really want to c that!
N i have date for 2mrrw anak raja gondeng..
I really love theater..
Owh, diz nt the pro punye performance bt actually a final year project 4 da lakonan n pengarahan course..
Actually apart frm happening in da bungalow, i have friends participating in each theater..
N they all ask me to be there..
Well.. Everyone loves me! Hehehehe..
Bt i loves theater, so i dun mind goin..
K, have sme wrk 2do..
Oh, btw i jus pass up simen 4 childs play..
I did map 4 malaysia plus interesting place 4 each state..
It end up good..
Bt nt vry neat.. Bt i love the outcome..
The idea is there..
Kay.. Jya..

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Nak menang HAMBEk!

Wel x sangkekan.. Alang jd cheerleader ntk tot.. Huhuhu..
It was lots of fun!
Cheer ktorg nk dgr? Yg famous,
`dorg nk menangla(L)
Ye ke?
Nak menang hambek, nak menang hambek!
Hambek! Hambek! Hambek!'
Tp ktorg kalah..
X puas hati sbb alang x penah nmpk group yg menang 2 cheer.. Skali pn x pnah.. Nmpk dorg adla.. Tp cheer x pnah dgr..
Huhuhu.. Smpai ktorg 3 group restu n murni semue x puas hati..
Ckp kalu korg atau ... Menang xpe.. Ni **** yg menang.. Huhuhu..
Dah adat perlawanan.. Ad menang ad kalah..
Bt my motif tercapai..
I have fun..
N i cn get away from my asgment..
So xpela..
Owh wk2 kalah 2 3 group cheer brsame said `nk tgk *** sorak!` tp x dhraukan.. Sedey je..
Pas2 siap kepung dorg tuh! Hahahaha!
Lawak je..
3 hari tu.. Penat gler..
K lect dah masuk!

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U race!

Bru abes u race!
Sedeynye.. KALAH!!
I thought we going 2 win.. Bt no..
Juz cnsolation prize..
But overall i have fun..
I get to run!
I always want to run as hard as i could n as far i can get..
N it came true..
I run hard n far today..
Bt x de rezeki.. Nak wat cmnekan..
Mybe nxt time..
Or nxt race..
Owh wa kat muzium..
Ayu.. Dasat tuh! Minum air gula! Uweek! X sanggup!
Eka.. Teng2 2 gler nyusahkan bt awk dpt lpas! Terernye awk.. Sy pn x ble lmpat cm2..
Mag.. Huyoo.. The batik u did is so so so nice.. No wnder u an art student..
Nk cri parking kete punyala jauhkan.. Dala kena conteng muke! Sory mag.. I cnteng byk sgt.. Gomen..
Then kacang! Di! Sket je lg! Ai!!
Wayang kulit mmg teruk! Tp xle nk wa pelakan.. 1st time jadi tok dalang so nk wat cmne..
Congkak 2 pttnye dorg thnla org.. Ne ktorg yg jmpe n org nmpk, pas2 dorg trus main.. X cari pn!
Kuiz pn mcm menipu!
Nape group yg x dpt semue leh menang!
Byk persoalan ne..
Mmg x puas hati kalah! Sbb ktorg lead bdk2 len.. Then dorg yg menang!
Kami laju tau! Bt dorg x ambek mase! Bkn nk ckp kn!
Neway.. Put aside da loser thing, i really2 enjoy myself!
Agh! Ngantuk! Bgn kul 7.45am.. Nw i want to sleep..
Lots to do after this.. So many to do, so litle time..

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Kali WHAt?!

Today in chinesse class our laoshi had taught we all how 2 write calligraphy..
It was muzukashi!
Cho hard!
Bt i thnk i did bolehla..
Not 2 good nt 2 bad..
Maybe next time i'll do better!
Owh the women next 2 me is my laoshi..
Mrs Gan Pek Har..
Ok tme to eat..

dah balek dah...
owh yg kat atas tu alang tulis waktu kat Tesco...
alang gie ngan emi...
terkejut sih yg emi balek ari isnin...
but then again...
life is full of surprises...
berfalsafah plak..

anyway mate mengantuk gile but assignment x buat gie..
ide x de nk i malas sgt2 nk pk.

anyway tadi gie interview PPSL... something like fasi but not entirely...
well i think i did what i meant to do...
talk not too much and not too little...
and i suppose that is a good thing...
i don't stand up too much but i still able to get them to want more...

i dont know when the result will be out...
i let you know when i know..

coonnntiue with simen...


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My new purse n hand stoking!
I love the socks so much!
It covers my sopak really well..
Nant nk beli lg..
Mybe warna len..
Bout da purse..
I love da dsgn..
Its so nice..
Its da reasan i bought it..
Bt its small..
N hard 2 put cash into it..
I had 2 fold da cash in da middle..
I hav bm oral tdy snce it already 12..
I wndr cn i do it well?
I dun want 2 fail it..
Owh i got 82 4 chinese!
Yeah! A! A! Hehehe..
I'm happy!
You bet i am..
Ah my head!
Its pening!
I want to sleep.. Mybe another round of bm..
Then off to bed..

Sore jya..

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Apa nak jadi?

Sedeynye melihat majis ilmu/agama yang tidak dapt sambutan.. Bil yg dtg trlalu sedikit.. Sampai timbul rase hiba..
Inikah tanda?
Aduh.. Takutnya aku..
Sedihnya aku..
Marahnya aku..
Ya aku bukanla sempurna..
Bukan juga mulia..
Tapi hatiku merasa sayu..
Ya Allah.. Kau berkatilah mereka yg hadir pd hari ni..
Dan berikanlah hidayah pada mereka yg tidak..

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Nino what?!

I dunno anything bout this cafe.. But the stand really got my attention..
Is it really nino?
Masaka.. Muri yo..
Koko wa malaysia desu..
Bt really..
Juz seing that name make me happy..
What happen if i saw Ohno's name?

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Chinese New Year..

It almost time 4 da zhongguo ren to celebrate chinese new year..
Wo received oren from wo de laoshi..
Ta malaxiya ren.. Pile ren..
Huhuhu.. Wo going home..
2 more days.. Yare2~
Tired already..
Ptg ne ad presentation.. Kuang kuang..
Hope ok.. I dun expect high bt moderate..
Ma ma..
Owh received bad news yesterday..
AnS is reaching da end.. This march will be da end 4 ans..
Wa! Sedih seh..
Really really sedih..
Even they goin 2 hav new show demo atashi hontoni ans daisuki!
Thats why feeling a bit sad.. Ish.. Ish.. Ish..
Bt cnt wait 4 da new show.. Hope have onaji kanji..
Maa.. Dlm kelas ne..
Bru finish hanyu kao shi(exam)..
A bit muzukashi bt.. Overall quite okay..
Hmm.. Okay..
Thats all..
Owh i'm okay today..
Nik ambek gna motor td.. Hehehe..
Best best best!

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Alan Kay

X sangke jd plak muke de..
I thought i cnt draw..
But look! Made it!
I to go, 6 more to go..
Today got oral presentation.. Hope everything went well..

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3 nights 4 ladies.. Gift from dato kamilah..
I should be thankful instead i merapu mcm bdk yg x reti bersyukur!
What am i?
Cis kaklang bersyukurla sket!
Atleast u got a gift! Other x nk bg pn!
Some x pnah dpt adiah lgsg!
So stop complaining!

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What do u think?

Hospitality frm dato kamilah..
1st i x suke gler bear ne..
It has strange mdia.. It has bulu n kain..
I want 2 change bt same je yg tggl, bt ad girl yg dtg lwat dpt yg cmel like unicorn n bear in a skirt..
Im so devastated..
Why my luck so teruk..
Bt its a gve frm her 2 me..
Mybe its dstny..
I should nt question it rite..
Bt i shuld thank her instead..
I was gven a gift 2 remember 3 days 4 ladies..
I have a dream..
I'm sory 4 my childish act..
N thank you 4 this lovely gift..

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Alone but...

Well who said hitori x leh mkn sdp2..
See da pict? Hehehe.. KFC tu..
N i buy sauce just 4 it!
I walk alone, i walk alone... Tp sabishi yo.. Seriously..
But when u alone u get to see things more clearer..

Cheer up emo kids! Eh?
No no.. Cheer up!!
Gambate 4 Thursday!

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Slip.. Maji?

What! I almost fell kt coi.. Almost yg sakitla.. Huhuhu..
Bt rasenye its my fault jth kt c2.. Bcos i was trying 2 escape from da yellow thing.. Huhuhu..
Oh, kino..
Main janken phone ngan kakngah..
I :kakngah wat pe
Her:gunting kaklang
Her:mane ade air!
I: sbnrnya alang wat batu.. Hehehe..
Her: ... ??..kaklang bole menang da!
Kaklang u r mischievous but stupid!
I: i just think 2 change bile kakngah ckp kngah wat pe.. Then i wat batu, u wat gunting da only thing left is kain.. Hahahaha!

Well that was fun..
I sleep late last night..
Today sleepy like hell!
Oh beli Kiva smlm!
I nk wat asgmt rni ne n tgk sok! Yeah!
N beli my little princess which is not in da list.. Yare yare~
But they dont have scrap teacher so i just have to buy something..
Maybe its good.. Mcm okla..
I dont want to cry alone!

Now 2D animation class..

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It went out!

I went out.. After weeks sitting in da closet!
Its my 1st day out.. Wargh..
My mistress feet is small.. Its hard not 2 lose her..
Bt daijobu.. I will protect u..
Zutto.. Eein ni..

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I am an university student!!

Wah.. 4 da 1st time i felt like a U student..
Juz c da books!
Its my 2nd sem here.. N this is da 1st time i used this many books..
Tarapapapa.. I'm loving it..
Tp i'm so sleepy.. Ima..
Needs to finish quickly..

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My ShoEs!

Juz a close up of me wearing new shoes..
My sis ckp buruk so she asks me to take another pic 4 her..
Hopefully she liked it.. Huhuhu..

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A Place to Go~

Theres a saying..
“to go 2 certain places, u need a proper shoes”
I think its true.. Ur shoes show people the real you.. Or the you, you want people to see..
I dont really care but shoes, clothes n myself.. I juz wear what i can grab without thinking twice.. Da result
Bt as grew mature, i start to taking in da fashion as part of me.. Of coz not 100%.. I'm not there yet..
But i try to dress up.. N i realized sumthing.. Dress Up is..
CHO MENDOUSAI!! I hate it sumtimes..
Oh, dun get me wrong.. I hate the process not da results..
I like being kirei n kawaii but its too much work.. Tiring..
Enough bout that..
Oh that shoes cos rm139 n slipper rm16..

I miss my family..
Everytime i'm alone, i cant stop myself thinking bout them..
What will the future look like.. I cant live without them..
Bt thats nuts! They eventually will get married n have their own family.. I cant barge in everytime i want..
This scares me.. Will i be alone?

Kino i ask kngah sumthing that makes her mad.. Owh.. Me n my bad mouth! Oh!
I hate myself.. Trying to look but the real excuse is i just want to make myself look good!
I'm bad.. I hate myself! Hate ME!
Sory.. Gomenasai minna!
I dun know how to change myself..
But i really sincere.. Dun think otherwise.. I really juz want to help..
Sory if that gives u a bad idea or make u look bad.. Gomen..
Hontoni gomen~

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Da 2nd!

2nd generation!
Harddisk ni 500 gb..
Hav 2 buy a new one..
Duh.. Ex yg lame err.. I dunno rosak ke ape.. Bt hopeful cover jela yg rosak..
Please.. X sggp!
Syg sgt HD tu..
2 many valuable thngs! Cnt loose it!
Hai.. 2 many things to get too little money..
What to do?
Video cam, cam digital, new laptop and of cos printer.. All of this cos about rm 8000.. The BEST cos money.. And i dont have that..
Huhuhu.. What i have to do?
I need it.. Really..
Arg.. Class start on Monday..
Welcome to HeAvEn..
~i think..

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