My new purse n hand stoking!
I love the socks so much!
It covers my sopak really well..
Nant nk beli lg..
Mybe warna len..
Bout da purse..
I love da dsgn..
Its so nice..
Its da reasan i bought it..
Bt its small..
N hard 2 put cash into it..
I had 2 fold da cash in da middle..
I hav bm oral tdy snce it already 12..
I wndr cn i do it well?
I dun want 2 fail it..
Owh i got 82 4 chinese!
Yeah! A! A! Hehehe..
I'm happy!
You bet i am..
Ah my head!
Its pening!
I want to sleep.. Mybe another round of bm..
Then off to bed..
Sore jya..
congrats 2 result chinese!
the pict kan somewhat suggest that you r gothic~
hehe~ handsock belang2 n purse itam~ nice!
i like the handsock! buy some for me!! XD
i know...
bile tgk balek alang perasan yg gmbr nie cm gothic..
since i like goth so i really like this pict..
the sox is nice neh...
tgklah cmne..
if i ader rezeki lebih adelah kat umah...
what colour??
i think aritu i only saw black..
but ckp jelah..
who knows mase tu ader yg len..
surprise me with the color~
dunno la since tak sure nk pakai ngn bju ape~
so blasah je la~
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