Today in chinesse class our laoshi had taught we all how 2 write calligraphy..
It was muzukashi!
Cho hard!
Bt i thnk i did bolehla..
Not 2 good nt 2 bad..
Maybe next time i'll do better!
Owh the women next 2 me is my laoshi..
Mrs Gan Pek Har..
Ok tme to eat..
dah balek dah...
owh yg kat atas tu alang tulis waktu kat Tesco...
alang gie ngan emi...
terkejut sih yg emi balek ari isnin...
but then again...
life is full of surprises...
berfalsafah plak..
anyway mate mengantuk gile but assignment x buat gie..
ide x de nk i malas sgt2 nk pk.
anyway tadi gie interview PPSL... something like fasi but not entirely...
well i think i did what i meant to do...
talk not too much and not too little...
and i suppose that is a good thing...
i don't stand up too much but i still able to get them to want more...
i dont know when the result will be out...
i let you know when i know..
coonnntiue with simen...
what did u write on that red paper?
i don't know...
something chinense write when chinese new year..
i think something like thanks for all kekayaan thn nie..
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