It almost time 4 da zhongguo ren to celebrate chinese new year..
Wo received oren from wo de laoshi..
Ta malaxiya ren.. Pile ren..
Huhuhu.. Wo going home..
2 more days.. Yare2~
Tired already..
Ptg ne ad presentation.. Kuang kuang..
Hope ok.. I dun expect high bt moderate..
Ma ma..
Owh received bad news yesterday..
AnS is reaching da end.. This march will be da end 4 ans..
Wa! Sedih seh..
Really really sedih..
Even they goin 2 hav new show demo atashi hontoni ans daisuki!
Thats why feeling a bit sad.. Ish.. Ish.. Ish..
Bt cnt wait 4 da new show.. Hope have onaji kanji..
Maa.. Dlm kelas ne..
Bru finish hanyu kao shi(exam)..
A bit muzukashi bt.. Overall quite okay..
Hmm.. Okay..
Thats all..
Owh i'm okay today..
Nik ambek gna motor td.. Hehehe..
Best best best!
comelnye gmbar oren~ ade daun lagi~~ ^^
to che to che... eh silap...
zhe zhe... eh btol ker??
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