Theres a saying..
“to go 2 certain places, u need a proper shoes”
I think its true.. Ur shoes show people the real you.. Or the you, you want people to see..
I dont really care but shoes, clothes n myself.. I juz wear what i can grab without thinking twice.. Da result
Bt as grew mature, i start to taking in da fashion as part of me.. Of coz not 100%.. I'm not there yet..
But i try to dress up.. N i realized sumthing.. Dress Up is..
CHO MENDOUSAI!! I hate it sumtimes..
Oh, dun get me wrong.. I hate the process not da results..
I like being kirei n kawaii but its too much work.. Tiring..
Enough bout that..
Oh that shoes cos rm139 n slipper rm16..
I miss my family..
Everytime i'm alone, i cant stop myself thinking bout them..
What will the future look like.. I cant live without them..
Bt thats nuts! They eventually will get married n have their own family.. I cant barge in everytime i want..
This scares me.. Will i be alone?
Kino i ask kngah sumthing that makes her mad.. Owh.. Me n my bad mouth! Oh!
I hate myself.. Trying to look but the real excuse is i just want to make myself look good!
I'm bad.. I hate myself! Hate ME!
Sory.. Gomenasai minna!
I dun know how to change myself..
But i really sincere.. Dun think otherwise.. I really juz want to help..
Sory if that gives u a bad idea or make u look bad.. Gomen..
Hontoni gomen~
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