The Revealing...

I trust Allah.
I believe in  Allah.
Everything that happen to me,
to my family,
have a meaning.
The good thing and the bad.

In Allah I trust.


We found out what happen to my mom.
What makes her unable to moves.
To hug,
to embrace,
to love like she used to.

The doctors
two of them said the only way to cure her is
for her to undergo an operation.
It must be be done quickly too.
Or her condition will deteriorate even more.
One of the surgeon said that she is almost paralyzed now,
so it is better to operate her fast
before things get worse.

My mom is not young.
She does not have a fit body.
I'm scares of the operation.
I am afraid of the outcome and everything.
But I also want her to be better.
To have the freedom to walk
to be healthy.

I am putting my faith in Allah.
Allah knows what best.
I'm praying for Allah to show me the way.
For mak to be better.
In Allah I trust.
That whatever happen,
will be the best.
I hope Mak have the freedom to
be this playful again.


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