hey you all!!
1st of all~
salam maulidur rasul

kepada semua umat Islam...
Selawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
Tema Maulidur Rasul 1433 H 2012 : Persefahaman Asas Perpaduan Ummah

credit to empunya...
i just got home...
not just, it's been 3 days now...
my family and i went back to abah hometown in Perlis..
wa (abah eldest sister) youngest son...
got married!!
tahniah tahniah!!
hope you will be happy
be blessed with
wonderful sons and daughter...
it's a fun vacation...
though it's a short one...
couple of pictures of us~
makan di kedai pak Ali...
is it pak aji??
i think pak alila kot...
only two menus available aritu.
nasi goreng udang
char kuew teow....
everyone having their meal~
it's good~
mummy and maklang...
look likes twins
kan kan kan....
this is the nasi goreng udang.
the special char kuew teow...
biasenynye char kuew teow...
less udang and no eggs...
biasenynye char kuew teow...
less udang and no eggs...
happy us...
it's been a long time...
baby sis with the glare...
smile, semua dah membesar dah....
new addition little AJI!!!
(not really new but still ^^)
me and Aji....
so cute!!
end of that....
i mention this creature
to my beloved friends...
and most of them...
don't really know or even see this creature before...
so this post...
i dedicated to all people,
that never know or see this things,
that we called
see see!!
it looks like sea shell...
kan kan!
rasenye satu kumpulan dengan siput, lala etc...
berdasarkan pengetahuan asas yang merapu...
binatang ni hidup dalam lumpur...
panjang mentarang ni pula
adalah sebesar tapak tangan manusia dewasa...
nak tangkap de plak,
but that's not important...
what's important is,
Mentarang IS REALLY really DELICIOUS!!!
dahla susah nak dapat mentarang ni...
it comes with seasons you know...
so if x sampai musim...
jangan mimpila nak makan...
but when the seasons come!
you will see lots of stalls selling mentarang
di tepian tepian pantai...
and itula,
syurga pembunuh mentarang!!
ready to eat, baby!!!!

muke kononye ganasla ni...
ni x masak lagi...
to masak it is very easy...
this is what you need....
bawang putih,
kiub ikan bilis...
if air banyak put 2...
if not 1 is enough...
slices some onions...
depends on you...
nak banyak letakla banyak...
kacau kacau sampai masak...
xla lama sgt...
dlm 15 minit kot~
i don't know...
i go with guts!
ni rupenye yg dah masak..
see see!!
it looks delicious!!
nyum nyum!!
i loved it!!
eat it as it is...
or eat it with rice...
its yummy either way...
and you can grilled them...
my dad wants half of it grilled...
so i put them in the oven...
spread some garlic, salt, aji and pepper...
for half and hour...
and done!!
it's is delicious!!
sorry no photo for that...
forgot to mention...
i actually never saw any mentarang in other places...
except Perlis...
and there's one time
i actually saw mentarang in CareFour..
but that's the only time i saw it...
never again...
so i think it's fair to say...
mentarang can only be found in PERLIS!!
which i may be wrong...
but you can google for them.
don't believe all i say~
though i may be wrong,
i never lie..
mcm best jer...1st time tgk!
kedai tokwi kot, bkan pak ali~ pak ali yang kin slalu g kat um tuh~ huhu
digalakkan untuk mencuba~~ XDDD
hahahaha.... biarla... kakngah pun x pasti~
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