General Election 2013

5th May 2013
the 1st time I voted,
it was fun and irritating...
the system is a mess,
by sister done hers in less than 5 minutes,
while I have to wait for at-least half and hour..
the channel where is voted accepted the printed slip,
(it has the series number),
my channel however decided,
even though you know your series number,
still you have to experienced the long-tiring queue
just to know the already know-it-series number..

brilliant... just brilliant...
other places can even show them the slips through their phones!
it's a waste of time...
it's a waste of time...

courtesy myMetro
the queue is long and it's taking a lot of time..
with 2 register only,
you can just imagine how long it is to queue just to know your series number,
that you already know them...
thankfully, both me and ma twins decided to go early that day..
so we finish the voting at 8.45am.
an hour time spend there
I have to queue 2 timex because of this
we hope for a better future,
but just hoping won't make it happen...
we, ourself have to work to make it happen,
not just talk the talk but walk the walk...
pray for Malaysia

and may tomorrow bring us a better today..
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