Allah knows best

the terror of knowing things,
the terror that you want it but afraid,
the terror of facing the truth.

the terror of not knowing the future,
will it be

the terror that come like lightning,
the terror that came as a shock,
the terror of knowing it will come,
but still surprises when it did.

the terror
that I finally will be free
the terror
that I will face a new beginning
the terror
of not knowing what to do
the terror
that I can't see the future...

No amount of guilt can change the past 
and no amount of worrying can change the future.
Go easy on yourself for the outcome of all affairs is determined by Allah's Decree.
If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come on your way,
but if it is yours by destiny,
from you it cannot flee.
(Umar ibn al-Khattab r.a)

in Allah I trust
that this is for the better..
in Allah I trust
that this is meant to be...
in Allah I trust
things will be better...

“So in Allah put your trust if you are truly believers”
“And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him.”[Surah At-Talaaq: 3]

Allahu A'alam Bis Sawaab

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Finally: Bowl!

I've been wanting to play bowling since last year,
finally managed in 25th May!

we played in MidValley,
around 9 or 10 pm I think..

1st game

2nd game 

3rd game

it surprised me...
I manged to score above 30!!
the 1st game I got 97!!

I consider myself 'Hebat' at that time!

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we celebrate mom's birthday in February..
I'm too lazy to write about it..
so here
mom's touch as we surprised her that day...

this month,
I managed to surprised my twin...
we put balloons and made it look like a wedding alley!

mishief managed!

her request this year,
she want all flavor cakes so there you have it...

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Exaggerate to the MAX!!

*inform: anyone that wishes to watch Fast & Furious 6 tonight in QB.
 forget it! 
tickets for 7pm, 9.45pm and 12.5 sold out...
sad and broken heart!

due to my extreme words and behaviour,
this stats are present like this,

"Twin, Fast & Furious 6 sold out for 3 consecutive days!!"

gomene twin...

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I'm happy today!
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I don't know,
maybe because I enjoy today!!

p.s - got another job interview...
so yeah my twin!
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you did so good!

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General Election 2013

General Election 2013
5th May 2013
the 1st time I voted,
it was fun and irritating...
the system is a mess,
by sister done hers in less than 5 minutes,
while I have to wait for at-least half and hour..

the channel where is voted accepted the printed slip,
(it has the series number),
my channel however decided,
even though you know your series number,
still you have to experienced the long-tiring queue 
just to know the already know-it-series number..

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brilliant... just brilliant...

other places can even show them the slips through their phones! 
it's a waste of time...
courtesy myMetro

the queue is long and it's taking a lot of time..
with 2 register only,
you can just imagine how long it is to queue just to know your series number,
that you already know them...

thankfully, both me and ma twins decided to go early that day..
so we finish the voting at 8.45am.
an hour time spend there 
I have to queue 2 timex because of this

we hope for a better future,
but just hoping won't make it happen...
we, ourself have to work to make it happen,
not just talk the talk but walk the walk...

pray for Malaysia
and may tomorrow bring us a better today..

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Popcorn Popping

Popcorn is Popping!!

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it arrived on the 27th April,
luckily my dad was home...
he was the one who pick it up...

yeah!! yeah!!
cho happy!!!
I got booklet and 2 DVD..
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I really want to watch their concerts...

haven't had any times to watch,
just managed to check the DVD..
don't worry it's fine...

I can play the DVD...
it's in perfect condition...
they wrapped it in tons of bubbles wrappers!!
-so cool-!

the DVD is in the box...
I don't really like DVD in the case box,
it's hard to open them...
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you have to open them from the top..
how should I say it?
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errr... errrr

okay fine!
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I'll go and Google them,
here it is,

it's like that but smaller...
your fingers will stumble because they are so narrow...

but I like Arafes's box
because they made it look likes a present box...
this one is the Arafes box...

moving on,
I didn't scan the booklet,
I forgot... 
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okay then, 
without further ado 
here is my 
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1st Press Popcorn DVD!!!

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loving my life!!
I'll update with the couple more pictures from the booklet..
if I'm rajin that is...

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currently sleepy as hell,
need motivation to boast me to sleep early..

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