Arafes' 13

It's finally here!!
I waited and waited for it to come..
but no news whatsoever..
I was going to write an email but decide to wait for a week..
and finally on Monday 9th June 2014,
it arrived!!

Yes it's not my picture..
I haven't take any picture of the DVD 
and I haven't watch them too..
th mimio 39 Mimio Girl Emoticons
I'm too busy both on weekdays and weekend..
I haven't got the time to watch them yet..
th mimio 37 Mimio Girl Emoticons
but I do noticed that the 
cover design is almost the same as last year..
just minor changes.
still they are cute but I think I like last year design more..
it have an exclusive feelings to it,
this year design looks fun and free..
maybe they are going with that theme..

baby sister is the one who received this package..
um... they just put them into the mail box.
sot not received then...

but still,
yeah, it's finally here!!
th mimio 9 Mimio Girl Emoticonsth mimio 9 Mimio Girl Emoticonsth mimio 9 Mimio Girl Emoticonsth mimio 9 Mimio Girl Emoticonsth mimio 9 Mimio Girl Emoticons

edited 27.6.2014

finish watching Arafes!!

I enjoy this year Arafes as much as I enjoy the last year..
but I think last year is more exciting,
since they really didn't have any
backup dancer or so..
only arashi and arashi alone..

but this gave a new kind of freshness to mee..
let me share my photos of Arafes 13' DVD
different between 12 and 13
 my twin love 13' version more..

 cover dvd


 dvd, it was exciting~!

 the list that I have been waiting for..

booklet? pamplet?
a book then..

 yeah! my ichiban!

 he is gorgeous... isn't he..

 5 of them.. 
I choose this one because it was colorful..

back cover.

I enjoy Arafes and can't wait for other DVD!!
maybe I can wait..
until my pocket become full again..

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