Allergy Reaction Vol 2
I thought the allergy will begone after the injection.
Mana tahu that night another attack strikes again.

so again,
my hand looks like this

gambar pakcik google
It strikes my left hand.
Fortunately the right hand didn't suffer any attack.
So I was kind of relief.
Of course I was shocked and sad that
the allergy strikes again
but I think it kinda makes sense.
The medication needs some time to work right.
Today, Thursday
my allergy kinda stops I think.
I don't feels the itch to scratch my hand or my legs.
(not so much though. a bit here and there)
(not so much though. a bit here and there)
I finish all my chores for this weeks!!
I finish all my chores for this weeks!!
I done vacuuming.
I done mopping.
I did 4 badges of laundry this week!!
and I finish folding the clothes too!!
Waah I'm sugoi!!!
So with that,
I think the allergy has subdue.
I don't have to visit the doctor again,
which is good.
I think the only thing that left on my list of chores is
replace the bed sheet and washing the toilet.
Maybe next week.

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