2dy da 1M function starts..
2nite is da lantern n kbdayaan i think..
They gving free lantern 2 stdnts..
Bt unfortunately we are late n da lantern finish 2 soon..
Anyway, there's a lot of dancing..
Malay, indian, chinese, international dancing malaysian dance.. Kids wit kuda kepang, which is cho kawaii!
Also, international stdnt gvs a fashion shw on malaysian traditional clothes..
They are beautiful n handsome.. Some r qualified 2 b my husband, muahahaha!(evil laugh!)
Bt i am freaking trd!
I sleep late n wake up early..
N my activites 4 2day really testing my ksbrn..
It will b alright whn my battery is charges..
When is tht?
I dun noe..
Until then, be cool n have a great day..
lantern pon slah eja~~
maaf.... my english........ sometimes.. heheheh
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