Well.. Akhrnya alang dpt gak dokumen jpa!
X sia2 berdoa.. Dpt gak.. Alang dah cuak da, tkt2 x dpt or sstem ralat or whtever yg mmbuatkn dorg ckp
“maaf name adek x de..”
Bt tht ddnt happen!
I'm so happy at ths moment eventhough i havent cmpletd da form..
Bt at thz mment all is good..
Hopefully proses JPA ne x byk hal.. Yg boleh mengendalakn kepulangn alang ke KL..
Tomrrw got presentation n da next day after tht also got presentation..
U knw wht worse?
Having presentation wit a sick throat..
Thats rite.. My throat is sick an it hurt.. Its dread me if i cnt talk.. Oh i hope nt.. It will effect my grade.. N i dont want that..
I think it da water.. They said water cooler's water is nt good 4 u.. I think its true..
Bt it also dpnds on people.. Sme cn stan them and other cnt..
I am one of them.. The cnt.. So pray tht it throat cure itself..
Cos i dnt want 2 go 2 da hospital..
I 2 busy dis week.. N its cho mendousai!!
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