2 movies!!!~

akhirnya dapat gakk ke QB!!~
this sem, baru hari ni jejak kaki ke QB~

terbang gakk dalam RM 250~~

owh well~
money = clothes
okay what~

i have fun!!~
that's all matters!!~

owh kami bertolak 11.45am and balik
kul 10.45 pm~


thanks to  my lovely dear friends!!
suraya hani sbb sudi teman sy berjalan-jalan!!
love you girl!!

akhirnye ader gak 1 hari yg berjalan,
tanpa perlu berfikir nak buat ape..
nak beli ape...
nak buat ape...
x pikir lgsg pasal kerja and study..
just go there and have fun!!~
mmg the best time i've had this week!~
the time without work!!~

ramai kate kami kembar...
nampak cam kembar ke?? (~_^)''

nila cik su~
comey n lawa orgnye~~
thanks su sudi teman kite~~

sy makan pop corn waktu 2nd movies~~

kiteorg tgk 2 movies lg tu!!


waa, mmg best!!
lawak and storyline de steady~
walaupun the movies is  a light movies..
tp waktu bertarung rase cam epik gakk~
walaupun epic tp x se heavy brave heart!!~
and part lawan, part saje2 mmg kelakar~! ^0^

sgt suke ngan scene romantic sang raja dan permaisuri...
yg walaupun dh kawain,
tp ala-ala baru couple gitu~~
and watak musketeers pun macho!~
well done!!

i give you,
4 stars!!! 

what's your number

yg ni, i don't really like it...
storyline cliche~
x best la senang..
mmgla ader part lawak yg mmg lawak..
but rasenye from 100 % maybe around 70 % all about **X..
so aper yg dorg trying to sell?
maybe part tu la kot~
owh well...

i give you
sorry, i really rase the **X part tu sgt menganggu storyline...
smpai my bestfriends pun kena tutup mata part tu~
really, can't you make movies without that part?

and part romantic,
i can't fell touch~~

owh, something that happen in QB..
my friends who know me, know that i walk while holding people hand~

so i n sue ni pun berpimpinla tangan~
and then ader 2 orang mamat ni lalu..
member A pandang org..
dari pangan muke turun ke tangan..
then terus pandang depan and cakap  dgn teman B..
B pun tgk belakang...
and dorg senyum2~~

this is not the 1st time...
last sem ke sem bile pun..
waktu kuar ngan bella kat QB pun ader mike2 yg pandang sinis..
berpegangan tangan la...
x paham...
dari tgk perempuan berpegangn tangan,
nape x usha tajam kat couple2 yg pegang,
and ramas tangan n pinggang?!~
sgt x matured!!~

the point here is..
i have fun!~
and thats all that matter~~

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