Wrath of the Titans

watched it with dear friends Wiwi...
and in 3D!!~
2nd movies i watched in 3D~
super cool...
i forgot how it feels to watch in 3D..
but still don't favor them...
i only watch 3D because the normal one does not available..
the time i mean..
so nak x nak we have to..
there's nothing interesting except Wrath of the Titans at that time..
so we went in..
and was like...
super cool...
but super pening...
i never understand why...
everytime i wear 3D spectacles, i get headache...
the movies was awesome!!~
or the CGI was super cool...
and since i watched it in 3D,
i get the feelings or 'realness'..
many times i thought a rock going to hit me...
but the downside is that,
the storyline is cliche...
so cliche that you already know half the story before it was told..
oh well,
what can you expect when the movies are about god, half god and humans..

i still think it is a good movies!~
worth to watch...
nice and very interesting..
its not slow though i don't very much like the ending...
i hate it...
why do they have to put romance?
it's like the whole story didn't happen...
tetibe je ader kissing scene..
all and all,
i want to give 3.5* but i don't like some part of the story
and some actors don't portray their character very well..
though the CGI are good,
but it can be better~
spoke like a boss~
so far,

i haven't watch mirror mirror...
can't watch it in Queensbay, they only have it in Gurney..
maybe i have to skip mirror2...
i don't drive to gurney..
its too far..
*what's next?
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