semalam 8/5/2012
tamat sudah perlawanan antara Datuk Lee Chong Wei
and musuh utamanya Lin Dan...
dalam merebut emas untuk sukan olimpik 2012 (London)...
hehehe, musuh ke?
ye musuh sy rase...
sbb if pertandingan akhir mesti dorg bertemu kan...
so boleh ckp cm musuh tradisi gakla kan..
and smlm lg bermakna,
kami satu family,
meaning mine
(maklong, mak, kakngah, kin & irah)
(pakteh, makteh, ifah & ika)
bersama-sama memeriahkan kaca TV umah sy,
untuk menyaksikan pertandingan badminton (bagi sokongan padu )ini...
yang membuatkan this things interesting,
satu family jadi satu with the game...
setiap markah atau terlepas markah mesti diiringi dengan.
dah macam ape dah kat umah ni...
and when DLCW passing shuttle lame x berhenti,
kiteorg diam yg amat sgt...
sunyi sepi....
sunyi sepi....
cuma dgr ifah ckp
"pleasela nak makan ice-cream basking robbins"
which is funny...
and i retorted with
"ifah, even stadium pun tahu diam ok~!"
which we all laugh together...
sangat happening watching the game together...
yg BR tu,
dorg setuju nak bg ice-cream free with
Malaysia wins the 1st gold...
sbb tu ifah ckp cmtu...
but xde rezeki...
i'm not sad about the ice-cream..
i really want DLCW to win...
x penah tgk perlawanan sebegitu excited...
ok maybe tgk yg lain pun excited gak..
cam memanah yg kalah semi-final...
cam nak nangis sgt..
and then when they reach 20-19
and final smash!!!
it was the long aaaaa and the loudest one i've ever heard in this house...
we felt the same way but we still proud of you...
tp it's okay...
lgpun atlit2 negara tried their best!!
and then when they reach 20-19
and final smash!!!
it was the long aaaaa and the loudest one i've ever heard in this house...

we felt the same way but we still proud of you...
i am proud to be a Malaysian...
and watching that game is an phenomenal!!~
sangat best!!
the games itself is good!!
fine play i say!!
and i hear people quote and talking about this in FB
"Skill wins you medals (Lin Dan),
but attitude wins hearts (Datuk Lee Chong Wei)" - ESPN commentator.
but a winner is a winner,
and i applaud to the gold medal's LIN DAN~
it was a very fine play indeed!
watching this game makes me thinking,
that i missed a lot of fun...
i should do some sports...
so then i had this funny thoughts,
that i want to train my future children to be an athletes,
and maybe i should find something fun to involved in..

my face/his face when he wins to the FINAL~ hehehe
and my heart goes out to him
when i read his twitter...

it's a sad thing to see him like that..
to say sorry...
win or lose,
you have done your best...
so there's no need to feel sorry...
it was a very good game...
so again,
you have made MALAYSIANS proud!!
and my heart goes out to him
when i read his twitter...

it's a sad thing to see him like that..
to say sorry...
win or lose,
you have done your best...
so there's no need to feel sorry...
it was a very good game...
so again,
you have made MALAYSIANS proud!!

and that's why
DATO' Lee Chong Wei.
you earned the 'GOLD' in the MALAYSIANS HEART!!
You are truly an inspiration to all of us!!
and thanks to you we got our 1st medal~ ^^
congrats DATO' LEE CHONG WEI!!
He wins gold in our heart :)
he sure did!!
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