alhamdulillah is all i can say...
it is the best news i have heard today!!
what's more i get 3.5 last semester!!
it is the best news for me!!
i can finally 'berijazah'!!
this is actually suppose to be my 2nd convocation,
but my college in diploma went bankrupt,
so there is not convocation,
only transcript and certificate for me to conclude my 3 years in college..
but now,
finally, insyaAllah
i will be have my 1st convocation...
or my 2nd because i have my 1st convocation in high school...
but that doesn't count..
there's no celebration...
i am so thankful to Allah SWT...
for blessing me...
and to my family especially mak and abah...
i love you and this is for you...
to my knights,
thanks for being there when i am not my usual stuff...
to tell the truth,
it took a lot bof hard work and mental strength
for me to come this far..
and i am thankful that Allah,
gives me all the things i need to survive...
not all i have to do,
is wait for the official letter...

oh, happy fasting!!~

nak dekat what 2 weeks?
i lost count anyway happy fasting to all muslim!!~
Alhamdulillah.. Tahniah coco! nanti kita berijazah sama2 ye :) selamat berpuasa too
alhamdulillah... terima kasih suhal... macam tak percaya je 3 tahun dah berlalu.. susah senang, suka duka semua tu macam mimpi je... hehehe... skg dah dpt ganjaran rasa syukur sgt...
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