It was nerve-wrecking to wait.
I can't stand the nerve.

but it already end.
It was one of the moment,
yang buat saya rasa,

after the interview,
I had that moment
until my twin (she drive me there, thank you twin!)
got really angry and said
"I don't have mood so don't talk to me"
she also said
"don't put your negative energy into me"
well before she got that angry she was like totally nice
she said
"they will like you. you are being honest."
"it's not wrong just tawakal je"
and everyone else too,
my dad, my mom, my little sis, and maklong was telling me
if ade rezeki adela.
don't think too much.
takde cuba lagi.
but just so I will remember,
the question for tonight is
1-working experienced
why do you quit your job
if I send you to Johor how?
2-why do you want to work as a Penguasa Kastam
3-do you interested with Kastam
4-jika gst dikuatkuasakan tahun depan apakah harga barang akan naik
4-what is the mission for us
5-siapakah pengarah kastam
then they asked me if I have any question for them..
I asked them the GST question back.

I don't want to put my stupidity in here.
but I know it will linger in me..
oh well,
better be honest than a total liar.

rite rite?!
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