My teachers,
I thank you for your guidance, knowledge, skills, and expertise,
but above all,
I thank you
for educating, loving, and believing in me.
With love and gratitude,
Amirashidah Abidin.
With love and gratitude,
Amirashidah Abidin.

Happy Teacher's Day..
I send message to my lectures in USM
one of them is,
and he screen caps my wish and
post it on his wall in Facebook...
I'm so touched by this..
it makes me smiles all the way to my ears..
feeling appreciated is such a wonderful things!
and thank you to all my teachers!!
either you directly teaches me or indirectly,
I appreciate all of your knowledge and wisdom,
and above all I thank you for all the love you give to me...
have a blast day everyone.
and may Allah swt bless you all the way.
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