Dear Me,
I bought a present for you and for me.
The watch from daddy can be considered broken.
so I was actually mayaneru either to buy a new one or not.
but my twin insist on me buying a new one..
and so here it is!
my present from me to me!!
Cute right!
the design is actually quite similar to the one's daddy bought me.
so I choose this one because it looks similar and I really love small watch..
it was on sale!
Polo's watch the original price is around 200++
but I bought is around 60 only.
So I'm happy!!
maybe next time I can buy something for both my parents...

p.s I bought this on mother's day, but us knights bought mummy dearie
a bag with lots of bags inside.. tak ambek gambar..
let the memory preserve this one..
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