today is really not my day..
well, not that i have many my day...
but this is really not my day as it concern my kazoku...
today when i was getting ready to go to school,
i noticed a thread under my room8's bed..
at 1st i thought it was a thread but when i look closely,

"eh ader kepale?"
okay fine..
finally understood what it was...
standing up i calm myself.
i look at my friend and said...
"su jgn panik tp berdiri skg.."
i think she can hear something was wrong from my voice,
because she suddenly screams..
"aaah!! aaah!!!"
then she panickly climb the bed..
the tip of the bed..
i almost scared she fall...
but then she safely transfer to my bed..
and when she see what i see
she was like
and when she see what i see
she was like
and i bravely slowly walk to the door,
and find someone to banish the creature..
while Su waiting in the room...
in case the creature walks or slides away...
the pakcik killed the creature..
i was thankful nothing happen...
and hopefully it never happen again..
that's the story in the morning...
this is the incident that happen after that...
shortly after that..
i was thinking to call mom to tell her about the creature incident...
when my little sis called me..
it was unexpected and as i was really want to talk about it i was feeling happy..
but the caller isn't too happy...
she said that i change our group privacy from closed to open...
thus people and especially our friends can read all about it!!~
oh my god!!
what an embarrassing moment!
that's where we pour all our hearts~
and people can read em..
but after awhile,
i manage to calm myself..
there isn't any emotion or secrets that can bring people down...
so i think for now
we are safe..
but still
if someone was hurt because of us,
i sincerly apologize...
the group purpose is for
us sister to open and consult our heart to each other...
it was never meant to hurt people..
but the damage is done,
and i can never able to turn back the time..
so i am really sorry...
for my action have hurt all of you...
evidence of my mistakes..

but i cannot remember anything regarding this...
"i am as forgetful as 70 years old granny..."
pardon my grannyness...
i am sorry...
it was as i put it...
my bad...
my bad...
my bad...
my bad...
my bad...
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