Allah masih memberi aku peluang untuk bernafas di dunia ini..
special entry for special occasion..
thank you to Knights for a wonderful birthday surprise!~
you really gave your best to make this happen...
siap dengan OT, burung, fake phone call..
sorry Little Sis about your fall...
and sorry guys because I saw the cake...
despite everything you guys do to prevent me from seeing it..

suddenly I was rajin nak ambek biskut kat fridge.. XD
it's weird when Little Sis tetibe peluk mak..
and the only thing I can think is
"mak minta maaf kin fail nak masuk thn 5"
rupenye you was passing the birthday's card..

sorry about that..
baby sis screamed like someone broke into our house
almost knock me off me seat!
"burung masuk bilik"
"burung masuk bilik"
after being mentally forced by bonda I give in and follow her upstairs..
at that time I was super annoyed..
"ala kaklang.. kalau kaklang kaklang buat ape.."
baby sis asked me when she saw me mad.
"akak panggil kakngah. hahahaha!!"
of course, if the same things happen to me I will scream for my twin..

yup yup yup, every single time...
and boleh kan,
time I was with baby sis,
little sis and twin rushing to take all the things from the car into the house..
and boleh gakk kan time tu little sis jatuh..
and throw all the things..
I hope you are okay...
and bonda with fake phone call to kakngah disguise as her friends..
memang hebaq-hebaq belaka kome semua ni...
it was one of the best day in my life..
it's hard not to notice every weird and awkward things that happen..
but I let my guard down..
a little bit..
should have not open the fridge..

and thank you for the strawberry cake!!
the 10 ice-cream that took all the space in the freezer!!
and thank you for the love!!
it was one of the best!!

this is my cake this year!!
new cake from secret recipe!!
I called it cake with lot's of strawberries!!
nyum nyum!
and my present this year is,
10 oreo's (3 different flavours) ice-creams!!
I was surprise and couldn't hold my laugh
siap high 5 my twin lagi...
it was funny because I kinda main-main when I said
I want 10 ice-creams!!
but dreams do come true!!
thank you so much!!
love you guys!
love you guys a lot!!

and thank you bonda sebab terjebak same!~
love you all for eternity!
hahaha..seb tite xjoin..klu x nk wt g gler2 kt opis tuh knekn opis dlu n skg dh xsme..hmmmm..xpe tuh stry len..psl burfday gal g ke cke tuh mira??cm menarikz nk rese..hahaha...sempena burfday mira pe kte burfday gal lakz belanje r mira..wish u al d best in whtever u r doing..may Allah bless u n tc always ya always...
hahaha!! kak as, kalau akak ader kan best tp teruk gakla mira kena kan.. rindu giler akak... ala kek dah tinggal sikit x dpat nak bagi akak rase.. maybe next time hehehe..
thanks akak for the lovely wishes.. miss you and hope ALLAH SWT will bless you too!!~
nak ice cream!!!
nak meh datang umah!!~ ^^
hey coco.. happy belated birthday! eskem tu nape byk ngat. sedap giller tgk. adoiaiii~
thank you suhal!! hehehe ice-cream tu hadiah besday sbb tu byk~ and superb sedap giler!! sila la beli ea hehehehe~
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