i haven't updated anything about
my visit in
UM's teeth clinic..
so here it is~
i follow alina_neko with her dentist's date..
and the dentist is my other sister!!
bagus kakngah kan overcome her phobia...
she pernah sepak dentist tau this girl...
punyala ganas kan...
xyah buat muke innocent...
everyone know you are EVIL!!
well, they are nice people..
my sis colleagues..
but they are cho isogashi..
like seriously,
everyone is like running to catch the time...
1 thing that change that day..
other than kakngah's teeth...
is my perspective in kin...
she is beginning to look like a dentist..
you have the potential girl...
you go girl!!!
aki kin is the future RC's dentist!!!

though she looked like that...
she is the dentist...
trust me...
i seen it with my own eyes...
here is a couple of pictures i took that day..
i hope you like it!!!
the results...
jeng jeng jeng!!!
fortunately kakngah x sepak kin that day...
very da budak baik kakngah...
it is her fifth visit tau....
hebat penangan kin...
kakngah still kena jumpa kin lagi...
it seems to me kakngah is damaging her teeth...
so kin can fix them...
with that,
may all your dreams will come true....
fyi, phobia for dentist is dentophobia~ but i love to use dentist-o-phobia instead~ its gud to have d knowledge before u play with the word~ :)
i love the dialogue bubble in those pict! "welcome mademoiselle" mmg sangat tepat! ahahaha! well done!
i approved the first pict, simple n nicely done since u just play with the contrast i assume, but...what's with the last one? muke penuh artificial bedak, red artificial lips and sparkling white(?) teeth?! seriously kaklang? practice more on ur editing skills~ :P
and lastly, kyoudai no ai~ <3
oh, i just play around with dentist and phobia... nothing with dentophobia-thingy.... hei!! it's my blog i punye sukelah nk edit cmne pun gmbr u!!! muhahahahahahah!!!!
p/s: this was my 5th visit ler~ camner ni, tak tally ngan info from my blog~ :P
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