it is just a normal day (chapter 1)

-It is just a normal day-

Chapter 1

It is just a normal day. Just like any other day. The only thing that different is today I’m accompanying my sister Alina with her dentist appointment. The best thing about today appointment is that my sister’s dentist is also my sister. Aki is in her 3rd year of dentistry to graduate she needs to collect 300 marks. The marks are obtained when she heals a patient.  Alina is more than happy to be her patient even though she has dentist phobia.

I just accompany Alina today. Aki doesn’t want me as her patient because we study in different university plus, I’m still studying and can easily go to my university dentist for any appointment. So no problem there.

            “oh my, this is such a bore!” I said out loud. Though it is fun to rounding around but to be here without anyone to talk to, is boredom.

            “you can go out if you want.” Aki said to me without even looking at me. She is busy  with Alina.

            Is  she operating on her mouth or what?

            “really? You don’t need me here?” I asked to be sure but my feet already moving towards the exit.

            Aki turns her head towards me and make a gesture for me to go quickly. Jacksyen her partner just laughs at me. I smiled at them and leave.

            Finally!! An hour watching them really put me into total darkness! Try to be here for 3 hours doing nothing!

            I walk around the clinic. There are so many people today. Some of them are waiting while some are like me. Wondering around. Reading the articles or watching television. Really, I have nowhere to go. This place is like a whole new world. I take the stairs and walk towards the ground floor.

            Maybe something interesting there.

            I walked to the bulletin board and start reading. What’s this. I looked and reread. Damn! I can’t understand a single word!

            The articles really makes me angry and I quickly turn to go elsewhere.

            BAM!! What the?!

            I hit something! I quickly looked ahead of me. Okay, this is awesome! I hit a man! Why is he even here!

            “sorry about that. I didn’t see you.” I quickly apologize to the man.  I raised my head and look at him. I see his eyes are all on me.

            Blahla blahla! I want to move! But since he didn’t utter a single word, I give up and begin to talk again.

            “I’m sorry. You not hurt are you?” I asked again but with urgency in my voice. So that the man can said what he wants then let me off. Why are we standing in the middle of the aisle anyway? Everyone is looking at us now.

            Wait! Why everyone is looking at us?

            I quickly scanned the man. It must be him. They can’t really looked at me. I’m not special. And I got my answer right away. Apparently the man is a doctor. He’s wearing the lab coat Aki is wearing. Maybe people are looking at us because the man is a doctor.

            Great! I will be sued for attacking a doctor.

            “nothing hurt here. Don’t worry.” I looked at him surprised. Wow his voice is so soft! Like really really soft..

            I quickly balanced my mind and nod my head. After pausing for a while I begin to walk away.

            “ok then.” I was about to move when he stops me with his left hand.

            “are you a patient here?” he asked with that soft voice. Only now his voice is soft plus sweet.

            Damn! I begin to like his voice! Double damn!

            “you can say that. I’m in a hurry. Excuse me.” I start to walk to escape from there. Before leaving I quickly glance back at him. His face is ordinary, if not for his voice I will not noticed him. There’s nothing special about his face. But I can't stop myself from staring at him.

            God! He’s staring back! Quickly I walk away from that place.

            I’ve reached Aki’s cubicle where she’s operates her clinic. There are many cubicles here.  All of them are busy walking and treating their patient. Its chaos in here!

            As I reached Aki, I see she still working with Alina’s teeth. Okay, another hour then. Maybe I should head to café. Aki spots me.

            “back  already? We haven’t done much.” She told me.  I nod. I can see that. Should I go to the café? I don’t know. Instead I just stand there watching her operates on Alina’s teeth. Alina must have a blast since her sister is operating her. Yeah right! Dentist-phobia!

            “aki.” Suddenly someone called for Aki from my back. Aki and I both turn at the same time.


            “Abang Haikal?” aki spoke. I turn to her. So she know this guy! Is he going to report to my sister that I hit him? Is this going to be a hit-and-run case?! Damn damn!

            Aki turn to face this so called abang Haikal. Jacksyen also facing him smiling. Since Aki is calling him Abang which means brother I assume this could be his senior. She won’t called her lecturer abang.  

            “abang, do you need anything?” aki asked again while her hand is holding that things dentist do to clean the teeth. Haikal looked at me and smile. He points at me and smiles at Aki.

            “can abang borrow her?” he ask. Borrow? What? Me?! I look startled at this. He is pointing at me. I am not stupid I know he mean me. Aki looks at me and back to Haikal. She looks puzzled. Alina is raising her sunglasses that Aki provided her to protect her eyes from the light . Alina spot Haikal and then look at me also puzzled. I raised my shoulders. I also doesn’t understand what he mean by borrow.

            “your patient?” Aki asks Haikal. Oh, to be his patient. So that is borrow. I nod to show I understand but Aki mistaken me.

            “sure. She seems okay with it.” Aki said with eased. I looked at Aki with open mouth but Aki being tight with the schedule just turn back facing Alina and quickly the einnnnng sounds begins. She is drilling Alina’s teeth.

            “Alrite! Okay please come with me.” Haikal said to me. Since Aki didn’t mention anything and everyone already back to their jobs. I have nothing to say and just walk with him. We walk to the 1st floor. Aki’s clinic is in the 2nd floor.

            We reached a door. Haikal opens the door and when we get in he said,

            “Welcome to the 5th Year Clinic” oh. So this is the 5th year clinic. So that’s means he is also in his 5th year. Ooo..

            There’s not much different than the 3rd year clinic except it’s a bit empty. Not many people are here. If I count correctly there are only 12 people including patient. See not that many.

            “not much different than the one before.” I said as we walk to the cubicle in the end. It’s far away from people.

            Haikal smiles at me and asks me to sits.

            “yup, not much different. There are not many people here though.” I make a face at this line. Haikal laughs, “as you have noticed. 5th year can use this room to their liking. So that’s why it’s a bit empty. We don’t have fix time table.”

             I nod my head. I am preparing myself to be treated by this dentist. Unlike Alina, I am not afraid of dentist but that doesn’t mean I like them too. Haikal turn to me with a file in his hand. He smiles at me and sit infront of me.

            “just a couple of question.” He said. Damn again. I really begin to like his voice.

            “okay.” I replied. He raised his pen and begins to ask question and question. There are many and I just answered earnestly.  I think. But who will remember what you eat for the last 24 hours ago, or how many chocolates do you eat a day. Really.

            “okay that is the last one. Oh before I forgot, can you fill this form. It will makes things easier if I have your profile.” He said again with a smiles. Do dentist smiles all time? He going to melt my heart. What am I thinking! Okay let’s see. Name, done. Age, done. Oh! Here it is. Phone number, 012, email merash….. Done!

            I raise my head and give the form to him. He analyzes it before nodding and keep the file in the drawer. He looks at me while putting on the glove.

            “err, why are u putting on gloves?” I asked. He looks at me and smiles evilly. Is that a smirk?

            “are you scared?” he asked mischievously. I look at him and stare hard. I don’t like his tone. He laugh a bit before taking a seat behind me.

            “don’t worry, I need to check your teeth. Just a few second. We don’t have time to do any treatments today. So I’m scheduling our next meeting tomorrow.”

            Tomorrow? Treatment? But I can't speak out my mind since he already open up my mouth and start scanning and searching for problems that I can’t solved nor see.

            “done. Only a minor problem. So tomorrow we will do the fillings.” I look at him. Not smiling.

            “don’t worry. It’s only a minor. It’s not going to hurt a bit.” He said smiling to my face.

            “every time they said it didn’t hurt, it hurt like hell.” I replied and that alone makes him laugh.  His laughing! Seriously! He laugh like mad but after couple of seconds he stops and pulled out his business card and give it to me.

            “called me if anything happen. Till then see you tomorrow at 2 o’clock.” He smiles and walk me out. Before we depart he said one sentence to my ears.
            “I’ve found you.” And he closed the door.


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Aki_Kin said...


AmiVieNeski said...

xde kene mengena ngan yg idup atau yg meninggal dunia... jgn kaitkan dgn realiti..

alina neko said...

gyahh!! sapelah pulak abg haikal nih......

AmiVieNeski said...

wait and see~~ muahahahah!

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