Bakuman Finish!!

Totally worth it!!
This is the boom!!
Bakuman really really makes me so happy.
The beginning, the storyline and of course a good ending.
I recommend this to people 100%
Please read them and enjoy!
Bakuman also teach me alot about mangaka and their lives.
How a manga being produces and what is the process involves.
It was a lot!
With editor, name(something like manga draft)
and finally the manuskrip.
makes me want to write manga too.
I know it's a hard work but this is like a wake up call.
something like behind the scene of a manga.
Furthermore the manga they draw is being series in Weekly Jump,
yes so they have to draw a new episodes for every week!
and there's the ranking for every series!!!
If the manga always stays below 10++(I think)
they will end it!!
What a cruel live right!
I totally enjoy it!!
The rivalry between
Ashirogi Muto and Eiji Niizuma and other mangaka.
It was a good rivalry.
They both are very talented people.
They supports each other and
they also don't want to lose to each other.
Also the love story between Mashiro and Azuki Miho.
You know the kind of love story but not into love story,
is just perfect for me.
They are totally pure and makes me jealous of Miho.
Mashiro and Miho waits for each and
will never see each other until they achieves their dreams.
Can you imagined?
Making that promise at 14!!!
Setia sangat setia. hehehe

so cute this people.
the journey of Ashirogi Muto is good
and they takes you into the story for every episodes.
Every episodes is interesting and gives you a chill.
Now my favourite characters!

Niizuma Eiji!!!
He's cool and genius when it comes to manga.
He's the number 1 at JUMP and Ashirogi Muto consider him as rival.
Eiji also states that Ashirogi sensei is a genius and he is also an avid fans of them.
Still he don't like to lose to them.

Eiji has a strong instinct.
He can guess who will win the contest between Fukuda, Nakai and Ashirogi
and know who exactly draw the manga by looking at them.

Eiji can be weird and cute at the same time.
He likes a spoiled boy with a high passion for manga.
He called everyone that debut -sensei despite their age.
How sweet of him, kan! hehehe
I don't know if this is true or not.
But they said that Eiji resembles Oda Eiichiro (One Piece)
Eiji is speculated to be based on Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece.
Oda is known to be a genius mangaka
who won the 2nd Prize of the Tezuka Award at the age of 17,
similar to Eiji's achievement at 15.
Oda also mentioned in an interview that his characters move on their own,
and Eiji made a similar remark at chapter 19.
Oda also seems to be in the habit of wearing sandals everywhere,
even to supposedly formal events like award giving ceremonies and parties.
This is not unlike Eiji's own habit of wearing his usual pair of sweats everywhere he goes.
Eiji's odd behaviour and talent are possibly taken from L, a character Takeshi Obata and Tsugumi Ohba previous work Death Note, who is equally skilled and of odd behaviour.
- source
Another character that I likes is,
Yoshida-san or Yoshida-shi as Hiramaru (mangaka he's incharge with).
He likes super cool in the editor section.
Also gives good remarks and others will listen to him.
But when it comes to Hiramaru,
he can be total manipulatives and cruel.

The gag between them is so hilarious and makes me loves them so much.
It was said that Yoshida exist in the real Editor Department.
The real-life Yoshida has edited or is editing
Hunter x Hunter (by Yoshihiro Togashi),
Hikaru no Go (by Takeshi Obata, Yumi Hotta),
Death Note (by Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata),
Reborn! (by Akira Amano)
- source
All in all,
this manga deserves 5 *out of 5!!!

Now go and read them!!
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