actually i wasn't going to post any birthday wish to Sho...
but being influenced by baby-sis,
i decided to post this..

Happy birthday SHo-kun!
may this year brings you lots of love!~
people gets inspired by you,
seeing how you keep on climbing,
though sometimes you fall down,
you keep on climbing..
because believe it or not,
i too have been influenced by you..
to be patience and keep on climbing is a hard work...
when you reach the top,
the view itself is a treasure...
but the thing you remember most,
is the climb..
they(fans) post a lot of things,
regarding arashi and Sho's schedule..
regarding arashi and Sho's schedule..
they are pack...
i only have 1 thing to say,
be genki!~
be happy with what you have and be merry...
to live is a subjective things..
differ to people...
but i kind of believe in this saying,
love what you do, and do what you love...
one can be happy even when he don't have anything..
one can be sad even when he has everything...
one can be sad even when he has everything...
live and be happy...
be happy to be alive,
be happy to be born,
be happy to know your family,
be happy to be alive,
be happy to be born,
be happy to know your family,
be happy for your mom,
be happy for your dad,
be happy for your dad,
be happy for your friends,
be happy for your enemies,
be happy to know that person,
be happy for your work,
be happy for your school,
be happy for your hair,
be happy for you internet,
be happy for the morning breeze,
be happy for that milk you get to drink everyday,
be happy for that phone called from grandma,
be happy for that garden you saw on your way to work,
be happy for to the old man that say 'Hi'
be happy as you do the house chores,
be happy as you fight your way through,
be happy as you see the stars,
be happy as you understand yesterday
be happy as you question tomorrow,
be happy as you puzzles on the future
be happy as you walk on this journey call life..
this is my twin dream guy,
the guy that can put up with her cat-addicts-obsession~
be happy stay happy and have a happy happy day...
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