why is it so hard for me to do one decent job...
i am confused..
is it so hard to do it decently??
if i say i am not creative..
people will go wild saying,
"you are better than me"
but i don't want to be better than you...
i want to be better than myself..
how do i make a comparison if i'm comparing myself with you?
it will not get me far..
that i will know...
and 1 more thing...
if i am better than you,
surely the person i need to compare is the person that are better than me..
isn't it?
you do not compare nasik lemak mak you with nasi lemak yang x sedap rite?
you will said
"ah... sedapnye! macam mak masak..."
"oo, orang ni reti masak lagi hebat dari mak"
"orang ni masak x best! mak lagi sedap"
okay about pemalas..
why are you so damn pemalas?
everytime you make a plan,
you end up killing the plan...
you can never stick to the itinerary!!~
pleasela sayang~~
rajin-rajinla belajar and do your work properly...
and semoga berjaya convo tahun depan..
p/s - convo gives me a creep!!~
hopefully everything wents well!!~