magic moments~

remember i talk about moments?

this is another moments that i enjoyed...

i just came back from celebrating my friends birthday...
well,it been awhile seen we gather like this...

owh let's see a photo~

birthday girl!!~
one of my close friends~
happy birthday anis.. 
sorry for the tepung..
it's not my idea..
though i'm the one who bought it~

we celebrate 3 birthday today..
anis, erpi and bob...
not going to post bob's photo..
but here's erpi~

i don't know who throwed the tepung..
but really dasat..
penuh satu muka~

the cake!!~
seriously the cheese is lovely...
but adding the choki2 gives it a new feel!~
simply LAZAT!!~


i'm going to miss this class~
really enjoy the moments i'm with you all!

i just love this photo~
looks like i'm thinking hard on what to do now~
it's the 3rd year of my university life...
things doing great~
but we rarely meet each other...
rarely gather and just talk...
we used to seat and lepak without knowing why..
what to say..
what to chat..
we simply talk..
nothing specific...

i miss the times with you guys..
and today...
i got my wish!~
thanks for always be there..
i hope the friendship stays...
even when we grow apart..

i hope there's always a little bit of me..
in you~

take care MAGIC~
i really love you guys!~

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by Buble

one of the best things that we love is the moments...
moments is memory...

you see,
the moments we have now is special..
because to get to this moments,
eveything, and i mean everything have to do it's part..
one part denied its duty and the moments turns into sumthing else..

you love the moments...
because that is when you experience different feelings..

i love the moments i'm waiting for Harry Potter last movies..
the mixture of different feelings makes it precious...
i experienced joy, anxiety, happiness, sad and etc...

so basically i love the moments...
later when i recalled that moments...
what i recalled is memory..
and not the moments...

that brings us to today topic..
 that i enjoyed and treasure...

to spill all the memory of my precious moments is hard...
i can't even remember half of them,
though i still remember the feelings...

today i'm going to shared,
the precious moments,

The KNIGHTS of The Round Table~

those who didn't know who is the Knights~
they are my precious someone..
whom i shall kill and be killed for..

my sisters...
almost all of my happiest moments are with the Knights~
the moments we are together...
the moments we laugh at Kin's jokes...
the moments irah makes an impromtu songs...
or the moments kakngah start acting cute....
all of this moments gives me strength~
as they also give me hope~

the hope that everytime something went wrong...
they are there beside me..
encouraging me....
the hope of acceptance eveytime i feel alone...
they are there beside me..
comforting me...
the feels of belongings everytime i being cast out...
they are there beside me..
accepting me, 
the real me..

the moments when we become united...
the feels of ONE....

the knights are not perfect nor we are normal...
we just who we are...

we laugh at jokes..
we get angry at mistakes...
we makes some of the stupid mistakes..
but still we forgive...
and makes peace...

the knights always fights~
one of the things i love the most..
no, i don't enjoy fighting..
but i enjoy learning...
everytime we fight...
i learn a bit about the knights~
what makes them angrry..
what trigger their sensitive hearts..

i enjoy learning new things about the knights~
how their mind works...
and what buried inside them...


The Knights

Sir Alina

i know Sir Alina loves to be pamper...
and always want others to dote her..
but when the time comes,
she will pull her sword,
to saves the knights life....

Sir Aki

i know Sir Aki is independence...
and doesn't want to burden us...
but yet she still put the knights...
at the highest place inside her heart...

Sir Kei

i know Sir Kei is constantly afraid..
never to know what is hidden...
burden her little soul...
but she turns big and all,
once she sees the Knight in need...

i know the Knights are brave and strong...
to conquer the enemies...
to protect the Kingdom...

i know the Knights are smart...
to lied when need,
to solve all sorts...

i know the Knights are sweet...
sweeter than apples...
less than sugar..
as sugar is bad for your teeth *Sir Aki once said~

i know the Knights are gifted...
to draw what they see...
to play what they hear...
to reenact what they learned...

the Knights are powerful...
when they are all...
they conquer the enemies..
they kill the man..

they be together...
till the end...

once the sword is united...
the Knights will fight...
until the last blood spills..

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problems is only a word

"kaklang...tlg ira..tlg ira..klg!!!"

this message alone can kill me instantly..
to this person,
if you got any problem..
anything in your mind..
state it clearly..
don't give me message like this..
you know it can have 1001 different meaning...
i really thought something bad happen to you..


when i'm asking nicely...
reply me in the same manner...
it makes me mad and boil with fire
with what you reply me..
it didn't help you either,
didn't it~

so anyone out there...
this one is for you....

here and there...
come and go...
one you see...
one you don't...

close your eyes...
open your eyes...
boo chak,
boo chak!!
problems still there...

problems is only a problems...
when you see them as 1...
if you see them as opportunity to have an adventure..
and that's what you get...

never fall to them...
never admit to them...
once you defeated...
it's hard to stand again~

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Time: 14:51 pm

this time...
of all times...
i feared the worst...
never before i become...
what i am today...

though it might be hard..
thought i might break...
thought the odds are against me...
i'll make it....

the stronger they push me away...
the stronger i conquer them..
even when i'm fail...
i stand again...
stronger than before...

as they say,
what didn't kill you just make you stronger..

so here i am....
waiting and waiting...
for time to come...
for time has its duty...

it's not my favorite time...
it's not my one time....
i just don't like this time...
to come to see me...
to judge me..
to witness me....

i'll walk past time....
proud as i can be...
as time watch me from beside...
because time knows...
and i know...
that I've made it...
through the time...

thought it might be sad..
we part for this time...
and when you see me again...
i welcome you...
like an old friend...

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baby Sis

i decided to dedicated this post to my baby sis~~

my baby sis...

that i've been worried every day..

how is she?
is she doing fine?
has she eaten?
has she any friends?
how she putting up with things~
is she falling in love?
who is she hanging with?
why she loves that katak-pemarah-x hensem punya lelaki?

baby sis, baby sis how are you??
baby sis??

really, she got me worried over her..
and everytime she called..
i got way nervoues than i should have..
and that's when it happen...

she called me...
many times..
3 times i think..
as i am in my class...
it's possible for me to pick up the phone..
and it's getting weirder,
when mom's suddenly called me too~
"why is everyone calling me?"
"is someone dead?"
"is there an accident?"
"i hope nothing bad happen to any of us"
i really started to pray..
and after i got our from class..
i didn't wait,
straight away i called my mom..
and my sister's Alina answered..
"have you talked to baby sis?" she asked...
i said no... why i asked her back..
"called her...she got her result today..."
it hit me... really, it makes me nervous...
baby sis been upset about her study and result that she keep saying she can't do them..
thus the result news hit me big time..
alina wants to said the result to me but i quickly stop her..i want to hear it from baby sis's own mouth..
i hang up and quickly called my baby sis...

"kaklang?" she asked
"baby sis called akak?"
"kaklang,baby sis dpt result"
i went silent...
"baby sis dapat ape?" i asked her... but my heart is beating like mad...
like i was waiting for my own result...
"baby sis dapat 4 flat!"
and i just can't help thanking the whole world.. to ALLAH SWT... to my parents..
but i didn't said it our loud..
i said
"wahhh!!!!!!!!!!!! tahniah baby sis !! tahniah!!"

baby sis you really had me there..
at 1st i thought something bad happens to you...
but then you twist it and bring the best-est news i  had that week~
you really make me proud!~
i really am thankful to have you as my sisters...

therefor i said to her,

if you want anything,
tell kakngah and i'll pay for it...

thus making the list for successful achievement + presents that i owe her...
1- SPM Achievements (6A's)
2- Matrix Enrollment Achievements
3- 4 Flat Achievements
4-birthday presents (that i forgot *now you all know, hihihihh*)

i don't care how many presents/ money i need to spend on her...
i just hope she keep on making Achievements~
and never stops, even when you fail~

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Bowl, Cinema & Outing~

before that...
it's been a while!!!~
i don't know why it took me so long to post new things...
lots have happen...
that i don't want to mention them now..
what i want to mention though~~ 

i went bowling!!!~

yeah!!~ *claps claps*
it's been a while!!~
and what surprise me is that my bowling have gone from worst to betterla sket~~
i always throw the ball straight into the longkang..
but now i manage to get atleast 4 pins!!~

yeah!! sugoi sugoi!!

eveytime i throw i get points!!~
but never strike or spare~

oh well~
atleast i still hit the pins ^0^!!
yeah that's rite~
i got better!!

but ayu wins~

she's better than me of cos~

after that (decided to play only 1 game) we jalan-jalan and i said,

"jom tgk wayang ader cite ape"

and we went to watch movies!!!

another YEAH!!! ^0^

we are thinking on watching mission impossible...
but there's still an hour left before the movies starts..
so we decide on

its the only show that started in 5 minutes...

for this movies,
i give it 3.5 because it's good~
and puss is too cute!!!
and of cos,
worth to watch~

we both enjoy it very much~
btw, that pop corn is L..
but i think it look too small to be Large~ =-=''

later than we go and look around the BJ~
and when to mydin...

and i found my only true love!!!
i've been searching high and low for you!!
today i found you!!

i've been addicted to love letters 
(before i  called it love story and ayu punya gelak bile jumpa love letter ni.. ai, kaklang kaklang =-='')
and kat usm punya kedai takde jual yg alang minat..
so when i found it!!~
i was super happy!!!~

plus today i got to enjoy my day!!~
after a week of hard work doing all kinds of projects and works..
i think i deserved a break~

owh, chirstmas almost here~

there for Happy Holiday~

and to my USM's friends & other University friends~
all the best with the final EXAM!!~
gambate kite ye!~

it ain't over until it's over....

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