Mortar board story...

The Story of My Mortar board's Day

21 September 2012, Saturday..
a little bit rain won't stop me...
the happy day...
one of my memorable's day...
the Graduation~
what can i say,
i'm just grateful that finally...
after 7 years of waiting...
finally finally....
finally the day come...

am i happy then you ask...
of course i am happy...

my twin helped me with my robes...
loves this robes so much!!
i fell like flying..
and sometimes like Harry Potter!!

to the sorting ceremony!!
banyak Albus Dumbledore  kat sini kan~

my baby sis, helping me by staying there...
and taking picture... hehehe

of course i am happy...
walaupun not all the knights ader..
we're missing sir aki here..
but still, i've got company to keep me company...
and i got fresh bouquets too!!
thanks twin for taking the time off for me...
and thanks baby sis for that flower!!
and thanks sir aki for that message!!~

my besties yg sentiasa mendampingi ku..
i really love you guys!!
especially when i am all alone..
with no one around me,
and you guys came to me!!
with presents too!!
really made my day!!

with my school mates
 Magic Rules!!

school of the arts!!~
happy happy face!!

be prepare....!
the GIGAM!!!

kiss from both my parentS!!
of course this is for mak and abah!~
i will try hard for my future~

family potrait~

odd and weird pictures coming up~
braces yourself please....
 baby sis looking cute with the skirt~
my twin's skirt it is~

i am a wizard..
didn't i say just now?

supergirl action...
♪♪♪cheng cheng cheng♪♪♪

then it is the sword fight!!

and her game of throne...
looks like she wins~ 

and presents!!
i received lots and lots of it!
super happy!! 
part of it~
thanks to all yang memang kind enough to bought me this presents~
ader yg x ambek gmbr,
but i am thankful!!
thanks to all!!

special from my twin!!

this is it!!
super happy!!
29 september 2012!!
i get to go to 
kakngah bought me this tickets for my graduation!!
super happy!!

forget to mention,
finally after 3 years in USM
i get my dean's list!!
for 2 semester!!
alhamdulillah and yeaaah!!!
and of course my 
FYP - A's!!

so i can concludes
i have a very nice memory
of my graduation~
and congrats to all yg convo this year!!
and may you have a very bright future ahead of you~

 good luck!

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extrovert all the wa~y...

i read aki's entry about introvert
and my result is extrovert!!~


i did the same kind of test 2 years ago...
and the result is still the same..
so i'm happy!!

here's the simple definition what is extrovert and introvert.

i like to think extrovert is more outgoing and easygoing with people..
while introvert is more to alive in their own world..

which one are you??
do the test here

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spread your wings, and fly

no matter how much i love you...
no matter how much i want you to stay...
you still have to go...
my baby sis...
leaving the nest....

fly away baby sis...
fly away...
spread your wings...
and fly...

with this new life...
new beginning,
new adventure,
i wish you the best...
fly as high as you can...
reaching for your dreams....
your dreams mean the world to you..
and you are the world to  me..

as for me,
 i will always be down here...
watching you as you spread your wings,
reaching for the stars...
and don't worry about falling down..
because i will catch you,
and help you fly again...

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tahun ni kami dapat beraya bersama-sama lagi!!~

theme: BLUE
every year it's a must to have a theme colour,
this year we pick blue!!
well, we look great beyond greatness!!
oh, except mak and abah~
they wore green!~
i bought them that!!
kakngah paid for the tailor~

this is pakteh's family,
look almost blue too!!~
selalu pakaian kitaorang mesti akan ke arah yg sama...
mmg ader connection ni...

pict with maklong
fortunately we manage to get this one...
we took it before we leave,
the last group pict,
everyone is rushing we are late~
we have to go out before others start ambushing our house!!

 2012's family potrait
which is a MUST everyYEAR,
or since i said so~ hehehehe

of course,

oh, tahun ni pun we did our own ketupat!!~
weave is the word rite?
yeah, we weave our own ketupad..
and i help you know!!
i contribute!!
of course i did!


just 1 hehehe~
yes, for almost 3 hour i only manage to do 1!!
oklah tu dari takde langusung rite!!
this is my ketupat!!
see that brown colour on this ketupat,
itu buktinya i hold the leaves for a long time..
jalin, x jadi bukak balik,
jalin x jadi bukak balik..
repeat repeat repeat and repeat again...
until i loose my head,
susah tau nak menganyam this ketupat!
it took me ages to finish only one...
but still manage!!

oh some pictures of the day for you guys,

artis kita Cik Ida

family cool XP

bersama YB yang busy, hehehehe

YB bersama isteri tengok FB di hari raya~ kekekeke

twins telur~ muahahaha 
guess why telur, muahahaha

Miss CameraMAn!!
wish you the best to you very own camera~

like i said,
 this year we don't wait for people to come to our house,
instead we ambush first!!
muahahah, a tradition i wish to continue next year too!!
but i wish we get to visit more houses....
umm, maybe next year....

weird girl 1, 2, 3 rock for live babe!
things i remember the most,
the weird monkey

artist on camera

beloved cousin with attitude ^__^

Mckayla pout's face
heheheh, so cute rite!!

oh, we also have another theme this year,
it's polka dot!!
but only for us knights!
you see we wore them at tok su's open house,
and everyone who saw us said
"who what an interesting choice of clothes"
"oh polka dot"
"owh semua sama"
"cantekk polka dot"
and i think everyone look twice at us!!
a pict with mom and maklong,
abah kat luar with the guys~

and my fave picture this year!!
with mom and dad

and with my beloved mommy!!

insyaAllah, tahun depan we get to celebrated ramadhan and syawal lagi...
this year eid, is 3.5 star~ 

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