After Earth
I watched this on 13th June 2013..
in KLCC..
kire my 2nd time watching movies alone,
but it was the first time in KL..
it was a good experience..
I kinda like it.. hehehe..
[spoiler alert]
hurm... how should I say it..
it was not up to my expectations...
kinda dull..
of course it could have been better with a more or slightly more
dramatic scenes..
I feel that Will create this story just for Jaden..
the focus is on him and him alone...
I will not complain if the story was much more exiting..
I was hoping for something more..
maybe the actions scene or the touching's one..
it didn't come to me as natural and as good as the Pursuit of Happiness...
somehow Jaden look a bit out of character..
like I said,
he doesn't reach out to me..
Will doesn't have any scenes that need to come out to me
as much as Jaden..
but still, I feel that Will can do a better job with his character..
well maybe because his character is a strict father,
he potrays his character with silents, stern and not easy to smiles's character..
and since he is injured in this movie,
he didn't have any action moves..
uh~ I was hoping for Will's action though...
I was kinda hoping for something like
father-sons duel-combat or something..
so this movies is kinda a let down..
the touching scenes with his father is ok but not really sad..
oh-oh!! the emotional speech by Will to Jaden is super nice!!
and I think I can take them and use them in my daily life..
okay not speech but still..
there are this part where Jaden kinda confront his dad about
his sister death...
it was suppose to be an emotional scene
because Jaden finally open up to his dad..
finally talking and screaming..
but that scenes just an alright-kinda-scenes..
it didn't gives me that I'm not at fault!
more like a teenager throwing tantrum..
the emotion and body-language that Jaden used is a bit awkward..
well maybe that was the idea kan..
the fighting scenes I can understand..
because in this movie Jaden is not a ranger/soldiers
I understand why his fighting skills and behavior is like in the movie..
still, they can make the fighting scenes more exciting and adventurous..
and the fighting skills can be developed more..
since the weapon is a weapon we always saw in other action movies..
the CGI is nice,
not 100% satisfying but it was a nice concept where they portray
the world in 1000 years later..
the ship, house and environment can make believe that it was 1000 years later..
eventhough I went alone,
I kinda enjoy this movie and it still intriguing me to watch it till the end.
rate: 3 stars