Birthday Suprise: Success

Okay Surprise Birthday Party
Alhamdulillah was a success...
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a bit of flaws here and there but still,
she cried 
and she's happy 
and surprise 
and she cried!
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I'm awesome!
my target for my twin to cried was a success!

there's my diary on BTS of this party,
and the story of this party is also quite long..
going to take awhile.
but for now here is the cake.
the cake doesn't exactly turn out the way I wanted..
I'm going to challenge another myself to perfect it!
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I do not make the cake.

and here is the birthday girl~
I pick that dress specially for her in the morning.
she wonder why am I so picky with her clothers~
kya kya kya~~
the pink balloon is little sis and baby sis's idea.
the other balloon is black and white.
didn't actually capture the image..
wait I think I do.

yes, here it is..
we are at the back 'cop' all the meja~
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it was tiring to cop them all..
and the balloon tu the younger sis yang atur.

and this is the card that I had everyone sign
to wish the birthday girl..
 the cover,
can't find a cat theme.
but still cute..

 this is the inside,
little sis courtesy drawing.
nice right~

**enough for now**

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Got interview next week.
goosebumps mode on!

I am really scared, 
whatsmore tempat tu jauh!
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how in the world I'm going to get there...

but this is opportunity calling..
sooner or later I have to face it.
driving mode,
slowly on
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Counting 2 Years till 30

Happy Birthday Dear Twin
Sanah helwah sakinah mawaddah barakah warahmah
I wish for you to
 continue to love life and never stop dreaming. 
May beauty and happiness surround you 
not only on your special day, 
but always.

May you have a great year
and I pray that Allah grant all your wish
because I know you deserve it.
I'm lucky to have you as my sister because you are the best!
and the very best you will ever be.
Yes, You can always be better,
but even for now you are already perfect!
Let me tell you that with every passing year, 
you’re becoming the most wise and good looking twin that I have ever known! 
May you continue to put out the very best in your life!

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Baby Sis Super Cool

21 May 2014
Baby Sis Super Cool Act!

Seriously Baby Sis is dependable, 
she's fix our lights and our door on the same day!!

Irah wa sugoi!! Sugoi wa!!

She took the stairs and fix the lights
 like one of the handyman 
and then when the light didn't turn on,
 she begger2 then pop! 
It Works!

Then she starts working on the door knob,
Ours have been broken for many many months.
I can't remember when the last time we used normal doors..
Then she turn here turn there,
experiments a bit there,
twist here,
and in 5 minutes or so,
okay not boom but it fixed!!
super duper cool!!
now the door can be open and closed..
she's like a real handyman y'all!!

My baby sis is all grown up and 
I'm proud of you!
and thank you so much for helping us!!
 I know there's a man in you~ hehehehe

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The Waiting Games

Despite the hectic schedule,
I still received good news!!

my arafes 13's DVD is being shipped!!

the item is on it's way.
so let's the waiting game begin..
patience, persistence and perspiration
make an unbeatable combination for success.

but seriously,
I can't wait.
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hurry hurry Mr. Postmen.

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Happy Teacher's Day!!

My teachers,
 I thank you for your guidance, knowledge, skills, and expertise, 
but above all, 
I thank you 
for educating, loving, and believing in me.

With love and gratitude,
Amirashidah Abidin.

Happy Teacher's Day..
I send message to my lectures in USM
one of them is,

and he screen caps my wish and 
post it on his wall in Facebook...

I'm so touched by this..
it makes me smiles all the way to my ears..
feeling appreciated is such a wonderful things!

and thank you to all my teachers!!
either you directly teaches me or indirectly,
I appreciate all of your knowledge and wisdom,
and above all I thank you for all the love you give to me...

have a blast day everyone.
and may Allah swt bless you all the way. 

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Present from ME!

Dear Me,
I bought a present for you and for me.
The watch from daddy can be considered broken.
so I was actually mayaneru either to buy a new one or not.
but my twin insist on me buying a new one..
and so here it is!

my present from me to me!!
 Cute right!
the design is actually quite similar to the one's daddy bought me.
so I choose this one because it looks similar and I really love  small watch..

it was on sale!
Polo's watch the original price is around 200++
but I bought is around 60 only.
So I'm happy!!

maybe next time I can buy something for both my parents...
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p.s I bought this on mother's day, but us knights bought mummy dearie
a bag with lots of bags inside.. tak ambek gambar..
let the memory preserve this one..

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