She's Engaged!!~

my fav caz got engaged earlier this month..
she is super stunning and beautiful on her e-day~
I wish the best for you,
and may ALLAH SWT guide you the way through happiness~

I wish to put her picture...
but can't seem to find them..
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I found them!!~
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she's gorgeous rite!!~

oh well,
this is kakngah,
and she is the SUPERMAN!!
th mimio 23 Mimio Girl Emoticons

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Perginya Sikat Merah

My twin killed my Brush.
egg 06 Cute Egg Emoticons
She killed it!!
she really did!!

oh Red brush. 
You have stayed for a very-very long time..
since I was 14 years old until I reach 26 years old..
12 years of precious times..
we had such a good memories together..

now you are dead..
RIP little brush.. 
egg 03 Cute Egg Emoticons

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Offer Letter

The letter came yesterday,
and my interview was successful...

Should I or should I not take the offer?
Me a teacher?
never imagine myself as one..

to teach what I have experienced,
to teach what I have know,
to give what I have got...
the students is a lucky one...

of course I can't wait to see my all time favorite sport!!
can't play them but I will always enjoy them!
it's been a while...

well then,
I can't wait to meet my students..
don't act so surprise guys..
you haven't seen the worse of me


better prepare my gears then..
The Headmistress won't tolerate tardy,
especially not her sister..

Magic is believing in yourself,

 if you can do that, you can make anything happen - Mayzienth E.Neski

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It Makes Me Think [2]

It Makes Me Think, Part 2
If you refer here it says about my interview..

how should I put it...
the thing is I got an offer from that company...
it's not the original position though..

the job offer to me is Production Executive.
to assist them in a documentary production..
it was a contract based-position without EPF..
of course the job requires the same thing I did in my current company...
to prepare filming schedules, make telephone calls and set up appointments.

I was happy to get the offer..
and I would be happy to work into the production too..
but I was not keen with the position..
and I want a more stable offer...
so unfortunately I have to declined.

by getting offer for something makes me so happy..
I fell like there is someone out there that wants be to be part of them!!
I will search again!
High and Low!!

insyaAllah with Allah's will,
there will be a perfect job for me...

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It Makes Me Think

26 June 2013
I had another job interview for graphic animator's position

it was my 3rd one.
of course the interview went well.
as far as I concern I already gives it my all.
but after the interview,
something that the interviewers said struck my mind

you don't need experience,
you just have to get out of your comfort zone

am I not trying my hardest to get out of here?
am I not trying my hardest to achieve my goals?

it was my 1st practical interview.
they rated me 6 out of 10 for my used of tools in Psd.

I begin to wonder,
am I good enough to work in this kind of line
do I have what it takes to be successful?
do I really want this as my dreams?

every time I finished an interview,
I begin to wonder am I eligible to work in this field?

and every time I failed,
my confidence level decreased.

'Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly'
-Robert Kennedy 

so let's hope I fail and then achieve greatly in the future,

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Birthday Present [I'm shocked!]

Sincerly Thank You Kak As...
Love you Miss you and Thank You
th mimio 9 Mimio Girl Emoticons

eventhough tak dapat jumpa,
miss you so much!!
th mimio 14 Mimio Girl Emoticons
padahal excited x ingat bile fikir dapat jumpe akak..

insyaAllah ader jodoh kite bertemu lagi,
besok ke, luse ke, tahun depan ke..
an an an

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Birthday Bash 2013 : [ I was surprised, seriously]

Allah masih memberi aku peluang untuk bernafas di dunia ini..

special entry for special occasion..

thank you to Knights for a wonderful birthday surprise!~
you really gave your best to make this happen...
siap dengan OT, burung, fake phone call..
sorry Little Sis about your fall...
and sorry guys because I saw the cake...
despite everything you guys do to prevent me from seeing it..
th mimio 23 Mimio Girl Emoticons
suddenly I was rajin nak ambek biskut kat fridge.. XD

it's weird when Little Sis tetibe peluk mak..
and the only thing I can think is
"mak minta maaf kin fail nak masuk thn 5"
rupenye you was passing the birthday's card..
th mimio 23 Mimio Girl Emoticons
sorry about that.. 

baby sis screamed like someone broke into our house
almost knock me off me seat!
"burung masuk bilik"
after being mentally forced by bonda I give in and follow her upstairs..
at that time I was super annoyed..
"ala kaklang.. kalau kaklang kaklang buat ape.."
 baby sis asked me when she saw me mad.
"akak panggil kakngah. hahahaha!!"
of course, if the same things happen to me I will scream for my twin..
th mimio 43 Mimio Girl Emoticons
yup yup yup, every single time...

and boleh kan,
time I was with baby sis,
little sis and twin rushing to take all the things from the car into the house..
and boleh gakk kan time tu little sis jatuh..
and throw all the things..
I hope you are okay...

and bonda with fake phone call to kakngah disguise as her friends..
memang hebaq-hebaq belaka kome semua ni...

it was one of the best day in my life..
it's hard not to notice every weird and awkward things that happen..
but I let my guard down..
a little bit..
should have not open the fridge..
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and thank you for the strawberry cake!!
the 10 ice-cream that took all the space in the freezer!!
and thank you for the love!!
it was one of the best!!
th mimio 41 Mimio Girl Emoticons

this is my cake this year!!
new cake from secret recipe!!
I called it cake with lot's of strawberries!!
nyum nyum!

and my present this year is,
10 oreo's (3 different flavours) ice-creams!!

I was surprise and couldn't hold my laugh
siap high 5 my twin lagi...

it was funny because I kinda main-main when I said
I want 10 ice-creams!!
but dreams do come true!!
thank you so much!!

love you guys!
love you guys a lot!!
th mimio 27 Mimio Girl Emoticons
and thank you bonda sebab terjebak same!~
love you all for eternity!

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forever 17

Forever 17

today 17th June is his birthday...
I'm actually not in the mood to write an entry about nino's birthday..
but my mood suddenly change right now..
hahahah so,

happy birthday nino..
hope you are well..
hope you are happy..
hope you accomplish everything you ever wanted...
hoping the best of you...
th mimio 11 Mimio Girl Emoticons
they say nino will always be 17...
can't denied..
he doesn't change much..
but he's 30 now~
kakoii na!! 
th mimio 43 Mimio Girl Emoticons
megane wa chou ikemen!!
have a blast birthday!!

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[movies] After Earth

After Earth

I watched this on 13th June 2013..
in KLCC..
kire my 2nd time watching movies alone,
but it was the first time in KL..
it was a good experience..
I kinda like it.. hehehe..

[spoiler alert]

hurm... how should I say it..
it was not up to my expectations...
kinda dull..
of course it could have been better with a more or slightly more
dramatic scenes..
I feel that Will create this story just for Jaden..
the focus is on him and him alone...
I will not complain if the story was much more exiting..
I was hoping for something more..
maybe the actions scene or the touching's one..
it didn't come to me as natural and as good as the Pursuit of Happiness...
somehow Jaden look a bit out of character..
like I said,
he doesn't reach out to me..

Will doesn't have any scenes that need to come out to me 
as much as Jaden..
but still, I feel that Will can do a better job with his character..
well maybe because his character is a strict father,
he potrays his character with silents, stern and not easy to smiles's character..
and since he is injured in this movie,
he didn't have any action moves..
uh~ I was hoping for Will's action though...
th mimio 34 Mimio Girl Emoticons
I was kinda hoping for something like 
father-sons duel-combat or something..
so this movies is kinda a let down..
the touching scenes with his father is ok but not really sad..

oh-oh!! the emotional speech by Will to Jaden is super nice!!
and I think I can take them and use them in my daily life..

okay not speech but still..

there are this part where Jaden kinda confront his dad about 
his sister death...
it was suppose to be an emotional scene
because Jaden finally open up to his dad..
finally talking and screaming..
but that scenes just an alright-kinda-scenes..
it didn't gives me that I'm not at fault!
more like a teenager throwing tantrum..
the emotion and body-language that Jaden used is a bit awkward..
well maybe that was the idea kan.. 
th mimio 25 Mimio Girl Emoticons
the fighting scenes I can understand..
because in this movie Jaden is not a ranger/soldiers
I understand why his fighting skills and behavior is like in the movie..
still, they can make the fighting scenes more exciting and adventurous..
and the fighting skills can be developed more..
since the weapon is a weapon we always saw in other action movies..

the CGI is nice,
not 100% satisfying but it was a nice concept where they portray
the world in 1000 years later..
the ship, house and environment can make believe that it was 1000 years later..

eventhough I went alone,
I kinda enjoy this movie and it still intriguing me to watch it till the end.

rate: 3 stars

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[movies] Pee Mak

Pee Mak

watched this in Pahang when I went to Sani's Wedding Reception...
together with
Fauzi, Erpi, Eieen, Eaty, Zaa, Anys and Izati..

we all been influence by G and Erpi..
both said this stories is too good and too funny to be missed!!
so reramai la pergi tgk..
midnight movies.. RM 9 je!!
but the cinema is not that nice..
maybe sebab lame?
I don't know..

for me it was a very good scary-comedy movies..
the story is nice and the way they insert the comedy is perfect..
it didn't ruined the storyline nor it disturb the character development...
for me it was a smooth movie...
the way this story moves is super neat...
and the comedy also not a bad one..
Eieen was laughing from the moment its start and until the end..
sentiasa gelak..
and yes, I can say that it was 'pecah panggung lawak de'
because everyone in the cinema was laughing..

the character itself is a good one..
their expression is really funny and at the same time you know 
how scared they are..
they are a good actor..
yup yup yup

the comedy for me was good...
there are some part that make me laugh so hard,
and there are some part that didn't even trigger my funny-bone..
but it was a good movie..
I should study how the insert the horror part with the comedy element.
it is a good study material...

I really don't like watching horror movies 
in the night..
especially this one..
I was not in my comfort-zone plus it was midnight..
so the thrill is double because of that..
some part I even close my eyes..
don't want to dream about it later..
brown teddy bear emoticons 3 Cute Brown Teddy Emoticons

rate: 3.5 stars

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[movies] Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3

I really can't remember when I watch this.
I watched it with my twin in KLCC..
we went after work..
so after they movie we both feel completely exhausted..
macam malas dah nak jalan balik.. hehehehe


[spoiler alert]
this is the 3rd Iron Man.
I enjoy the movie..
it has both humour and sadness in it..
especially when the Iron Man (forget his name =-='')
destroy all his Iron Man for his girlfriend..
well maybe some people said,
'oh! that is so sweet!!'
but me, I go
"HEY! That is stupid!!" - kinda
pardon my french.

the CGI is superb!
I enjoy watching the graphics and effects in this movies..
and the actors is nice too~
but the story kind of ma-ma..
not really 'wow' stories..
its almost cliche for me..
where he suffers from anxiety or PTD
post-traumatic-disorder how it affects his love and life
and ofcourse now he has new enemies..
nothing out of the ordinary..
so all and all

rate: 3 stars.

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Allah knows best

the terror of knowing things,
the terror that you want it but afraid,
the terror of facing the truth.

the terror of not knowing the future,
will it be

the terror that come like lightning,
the terror that came as a shock,
the terror of knowing it will come,
but still surprises when it did.

the terror
that I finally will be free
the terror
that I will face a new beginning
the terror
of not knowing what to do
the terror
that I can't see the future...

No amount of guilt can change the past 
and no amount of worrying can change the future.
Go easy on yourself for the outcome of all affairs is determined by Allah's Decree.
If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come on your way,
but if it is yours by destiny,
from you it cannot flee.
(Umar ibn al-Khattab r.a)

in Allah I trust
that this is for the better..
in Allah I trust
that this is meant to be...
in Allah I trust
things will be better...

“So in Allah put your trust if you are truly believers”
“And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him.”[Surah At-Talaaq: 3]

Allahu A'alam Bis Sawaab

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Finally: Bowl!

I've been wanting to play bowling since last year,
finally managed in 25th May!

we played in MidValley,
around 9 or 10 pm I think..

1st game

2nd game 

3rd game

it surprised me...
I manged to score above 30!!
the 1st game I got 97!!

I consider myself 'Hebat' at that time!

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we celebrate mom's birthday in February..
I'm too lazy to write about it..
so here
mom's touch as we surprised her that day...

this month,
I managed to surprised my twin...
we put balloons and made it look like a wedding alley!

mishief managed!

her request this year,
she want all flavor cakes so there you have it...

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Exaggerate to the MAX!!

*inform: anyone that wishes to watch Fast & Furious 6 tonight in QB.
 forget it! 
tickets for 7pm, 9.45pm and 12.5 sold out...
sad and broken heart!

due to my extreme words and behaviour,
this stats are present like this,

"Twin, Fast & Furious 6 sold out for 3 consecutive days!!"

gomene twin...

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I'm happy today!
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I don't know,
maybe because I enjoy today!!

p.s - got another job interview...
so yeah my twin!
th mimio 36 Mimio Girl Emoticons
you did so good!

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General Election 2013

General Election 2013
5th May 2013
the 1st time I voted,
it was fun and irritating...
the system is a mess,
by sister done hers in less than 5 minutes,
while I have to wait for at-least half and hour..

the channel where is voted accepted the printed slip,
(it has the series number),
my channel however decided,
even though you know your series number,
still you have to experienced the long-tiring queue 
just to know the already know-it-series number..

th mimio 6 Mimio Girl Emoticons
brilliant... just brilliant...

other places can even show them the slips through their phones! 
it's a waste of time...
courtesy myMetro

the queue is long and it's taking a lot of time..
with 2 register only,
you can just imagine how long it is to queue just to know your series number,
that you already know them...

thankfully, both me and ma twins decided to go early that day..
so we finish the voting at 8.45am.
an hour time spend there 
I have to queue 2 timex because of this

we hope for a better future,
but just hoping won't make it happen...
we, ourself have to work to make it happen,
not just talk the talk but walk the walk...

pray for Malaysia
and may tomorrow bring us a better today..

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