let's just say,
if i want it...
i will get it...
at 9 pm~
i went to TeSco!!~
and bought
nyum nyum!!!~
i bought 2 cakes!!
mousse and black forest!~
and the yellow one ika's cakes..is cheese ape ntah...
they all taste nyum nyum!!!~
i loike the mousse!!~
taste like ice cream!!~
super duper soft!!~
enjoying one peaceful night...
walaupun gigi ku berdenyut-denyut setiap masa~
oh well ^0^
my face is not that happy
but satisfied...
my teeth hurt..
so gaman jela~

i try an enchanted spell..
it goes like this..
sedap sedap...
sakit x sakit...
sedap sangat sangat...
gigi gigi gigi...
anda x sakit lagi!!~
so after recite that spell,
the pain is no more!!
i'm gamaning myself...
so i can be peaceful~
so because i've ben very good with myself,
i gave myself a reward!~
jaaang jaaang!!
nope, nope ice-cream
it's and yogurt-cream!!!
taste good...
i think it's actually taste better than ice-cream..
but that maybe due to the facts i've just ate 2 cakes...
and the sweetest nest is getting to me..
as you know yogurt is a bit masam kan..
i give myself another week..
before i start tasting any more sweet stuffs...

the pain the pain...
please go away...
i cried i cried...
dear teeth dear teeth...
please be well again....
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